Sanity drop and sweet feelings

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You rush up to pain with a kunai but he dodges and counterattacks with a chop
To the neck which probably should've knocked you out but you still stand tall. "Why are you doing this?!" You scream at pain. "To create peace in this Shinobi world we live in....temporarily peace at the very least" Naruto throws a Rasen-shuriken and screams "oh yeah?! What's destroying a village gonna do!?!?!?" You agree with him another pain, a rather chubby one grabs you in a lock and pulls you towards a giant open mouth! You struggle to get out of the lock but your already inside the mouth. The pain feels like kunai shooting up at your feet and the full force of a million rasengans combined with a million chidori's. It's impossible to bear. But everything soon fades to black and darkness surrounds you with an evil laugh howling at your misfortune....I think the pain was this heads acid. It burns I wanna leave. I wanna go home. I want to be with Sakura. She's the only one I care about truly, she's the only reason I fight.
I NEED her I must live for her. I must li- you faint out of exhaustion but the pain has stopped. You feel functional again you feel....Alive.....and a burning but good feeling sensation. Your eyes manage the strength to open and it's s good site....I guess. All the pains have been destroyed. Sakura is sobbing on me? You sit up. It's only you and Sakura it seems like everyone else is not on the battlefield. Now is my tries to put you down do you can lay down but as soon as she touches you, you dash for a kiss and succeed. Sakura seems to enjoy the kiss and she whispers in my ear."I love you"

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