Chunin exams pt.2

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One of the guards catches you cheating but is caught off guard by the man in front talking."the final question is about to be announced...if you stay you can take the test and possibly become chunin..but if you go now you will fail the test but be able to enter again unlike if you stay.. so choose now and if one team member quits the whole team quits aswell." Everybody is shocked and people start running out. You see naruto put his hand up for a second...but then he slams it back on the table and shouts at the teacher how confident he is... you giggle at narutos determination and nod in agreement." Now that everyone has left and the final question is this," he says with a grin. "Good job everyone you all did well..was this a surprise!?" He shouts surprisingly Naruto looks around in total shock while the teacher explains the exam......a few hours go by and your team is getting ready for the forest of death....

To be continued.....

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