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                              "The wildflower after being brought back to life."
The girl you once knew
She went through hell and back
Because of YOU
She lost her patience
Her patience turned into anger after many tries of wanting
to be patient
She almost ended her life
The dark clouds of her thoughts
triggered her mind
So bruised and beaten up,
she began to think dark
Because of so much suffering,
the thought of death came to her
She's no longer that sweet girl
you once knew
She's done being sweet
Tired of giving you chances
after many mistakes of numerous times
A broken promise can say a lot of things
with meaning
Sweet words are the trap that she couldn't
escape from
No longer the angel she used to be
The demon is ready to be born, reincarnated
The demon is alive
Brought back to life, stronger than ever
Ready to take on revenge
For the wrongdoings you have committed
How common!
YOU took her for granted!
The great pretender is what
you really are
Be careful and think twice!
She was an angel, a pure
until you broke her heart!
Broken love, plastic love
was what she went through
She was an angel disguised
as a demon

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