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Xylia Pov

I walked the forest not letting my guard down for a second. I Finally came to my safe hideout. Dragging wolf meat behind me I washed it off in the water then let the blood drain. "This should be done by supper." I smiled to myself. I looked back at my unfinished house and gate. I got a big chunk of wood and put it down to complete the gate. I looked for wood for my small cabin careful not wander too far. I Finally found a nearly perfect piece and got to work on making it fit for a door. I made a nice handle and nailed it on.

Time Skip

I slowly took down the wolf meat and cooked it in the sun. When I was done I chopped it up so it would last at least 2 weeks. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to face Prince Kyle the one human who wants to help elves of Elenore. I stepped against the tree. "I promise I won't hurt you." He said with his hands up. "I need your help to get to Basilica." He added. "How can I trust you?" I whimpered. He stuck his hand out with a smile. I slowly shook it. "Now I know you have no reason t-" "Meet me here packed for a long journey and royal clothes won't suit you. Oh, and call me Xylia." I cut him off. He nodded then scurried away.

That night

I quickly took down my house, gate, and trace I was here and slept in the trees. I woke up to Kyle yelling my name. I hopped down and handed him some of the meat I cooked yesterday. I put hair in a quick braid and I grabbed two canisters and filled them with fresh water from the river I filtered. "Come on." I smiled. When Walking for at least 5 hours we came across the ruin of Elfphendore. "When we save your people, I will help build this back up." Kyle comforted me. I smiled a bit and continued.

The Last Elf of ElphendoreМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя