Chapter 15: Ghostly Rumors

Start from the beginning

Wow...sounds like me and Katie's life right now...except for the puzzles.

"I wanted to have the four of us play together, but Bear couldn't make it today. I figured we could play the minigames for a bit today and we can actaully play the story mode of the game when the four of us are together in the future."

Nate and Katie shrugged as they played the minigames with Eddie for half an hour.


"I'm pretty sure we beat all the currently unlocked minigames."

Eddie placed his controller down and pulled out some museum passes.

"Oh, right! Do you guys want to come to the museum with me? My dad gave me these passes and they're good until the end of the summer."

Nate and Katie agreed and took the passes.

At least we'll have something else to do this summer and maybe there'll be some Yo-kai at the museum.


The group of three human kids and four Yo-kai were now at the museum. As far as Nate and Katie could tell, there were no other Yo-kai in the museum, but they checked out the exhibits, learning that there was going to be a new addition to the museum in the near future for Springdale's past.

"That would be interesting to see. I guess the Flower Road thing really sparked interest in Springdale's history."

Nate and Katie nodded, although they both knew what the other was thinking.

It would be nice if we could learn of the Yo-kai that were in Springdale's past as well. We could always ask Whisper later. He has the means to look it up anyway.


After going through the museum, Eddie seemed to be disappointed.

"I heard an interesting piece of information regarding an exihibit, but there doesn't seem to be anything that can help me."

Before Nate or Katie could ask Eddie what he was talking about, they overheard two workers talking about a supposedly haunted suit of armor in the storage room. They saw something spark in Eddie's eyes as he pulled them outside.

"That's what I was looking for! After finishing my summer project, I read an article about these people that studied the paranormal and..."

As Eddie was explaining about how he wanted to see if the supernatural was real or not, Nate and Katie wondered about how Eddie would react if they told him that they had a watch that could show the wearer of the watch the supernatural world.

"So I was wondering if you two would be interesting in helping me?"

Nate and Katie snapped out of their shared thoughts and looked at Eddie with a confused look.


"I want you to meet me here tonight and help me get a look at the suit of armor in the storage room."

"You want to come later tonight when they're setting it up?"

Eddie looked to the ground and mumbled,

"Actually...I was thinking more along the lines of sneaking in when the museum was closed."

Nate and Katie didn't know what to say. Of course, they weren't really one to talk. They did sneak into a construction site last night, after all.

"Why go through the trouble? Why not just ask if you can examine it?"

"They're not going to let a kid examine a supposedly haunted suit of armor by themselves. Besides, I heard that the curator lost the key to the storage room earlier. If we find the key, we can examine it ourselves!"

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now