chapter two: meeting the roomates.

Comincia dall'inizio

devyn clapped and we both snapped out of the trance we were in and blushed profusely.
god, he's even cute when he blushes, i thought. "alrighty then, that's everyone, um, so i guess it's time to go and unpack, steph," she said and pulled me away. i looked back at colby and he waved at me and smiled again, then all the boys stared laughing and pushing him around, almost like they were teasing him.

devyn shot up the stairs and ran to my room, dragging me along the whole way. once we got in, she closed the door and squealed.

"OH MY GOD!" she laughed at me.

"what?" i said, recollecting myself.

"steph, did you see the way he was looking at you? oh my god," she said.

"who?" i said, teasing her.

"stop, steph, oh my god. wait..." she trailed off and smiled devilishly, "do you like colby?" she smirked.

"what? psh, no, of course not, dev you're crazy, stop, no," i said, pushing the thought to the side.

"hmm, alright...well i guess we'll just have to wait and see!" she tickled my sides and we both doubled over in laughter. she told me everyone was downstairs watching a movie and that we should go join them, but she was going to go change into pajamas and i should too. she disappeared and left me to change.


*devyn's pov*

i left steph to change and i hurried to my room and threw on my sweatpants and corey's t-shirt, then blasted downstairs before she came to get me.

that girl was head over heels for colby already, so i'm gonna play a little game of matchmaker.

i walked into the living room and asked, "hey, can i borrow you guys?"

"yeah, sure," sam said. they all got up, but i stopped colby in his tracks.

"you stay here. everyone else follow me."

"um, okay." colby said, confused.

the boys followed me into the hallway and asked what this was all about.

"okay, so you guys saw that thing between steph and colby, right?"

"dude, he's freaking out," sam said.

"he totally likes her," elton laughed.

"exactly. she's upstairs getting changed right now, so i want everyone to sit back down but leave a space next to colby so she has to sit there. i want to see what happens." i giggled.

"ooh, gurl, you nasty," corey said in a fake valley girl voice while snapping his fingers, making all the boys laugh.

"okay, go, i gotta go get her!" i told them, and they scurried off to the room again.

i ran back up the stairs and went into steph's  room.


*stephanie's pov*

i pulled out some black sweatpants and a periwinkle sweatshirt, and i pulled my hair up into ponytail. 
i think that's as cute as i'll get, i tell myself.

devyn walks in in her pajamas and brings me downstairs. she scoots over to corey and i looks for a seat, realizing the only one left is right next to colby.
oh, you little bitch, i eyed devyn and she just giggled.

"don't worry, we don't bite," elton said, "come and watch the movie with us!"

"what movie?" i said, trying to keep my cool.

"the nightmare before christmas."

"in june?"

"don't judge our movie taste," sam sassily replied, causing me to laugh.

alright, you can do this, just stay calm, i reminded myself as i sat down next to the boy who's making my heart do somersaults.

he looked at me and smiled awkwardly and scooted a bit so i could sit, and he started fiddling with his shirt.
what's he nervous about?

"colby, you're bright red," aaron pointed out.

"shut up, aaron," she shot back, and aaron raised his arms in surrender, laughing a bit.

"yo, dude, chill, we don't want to scare our new roomie, now do we?" sam said, starting to laugh his ass off.

colby turned to me and said, "sorry, i'm not that scary," he chuckled.

my cheeks burned. "it's no big deal, i don't think you're scary." i smiled at him.

constellations ☆ colby brock Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora