"I like the song." You simply answered. "My style, my taste."

"Me too." He noticed the song finished and wanted to test you more. "What song is this one?"

"I can't hear it this time." It was quiet but you could hear faint piano keys playing.

"Here," he stood a bit and put the headphones on you to listen to his music. He was bent over the table, hands still on his headphones while they were over your ears. You put your hand over his to press the headphones down so you could only hear the music.

You listened to relaxing, soft music that sounded familiar. "Electro...ShockBlues... Eels?"

"Wow! You're right." He smiled and lightly laughed.

You smiled, enjoying this time of sharing music. It was calm and warm. You looked up at him and you could tell that he was enjoying it just as much. Knowing the two of you have a mutual favorite.

A flash going off ruined the peace you shared while listening to his music.

"Another picture?" You say outloud, slightly too loud since you were wearing soundproof earphones and couldn't tell. Jungkook laughed and took off your headphones, signaling you to speak softer. You realized that you probably yelled and covered you mouth and hid in your coat's hood.

"Sorry, I didn't know you didn't want one." The waitress apologized and handed the picture.

"It's fine, It's already been taken." Jungkook took the picture from her and sat back down, taking a sip from his drink and setting it aside.

"Stop hiding and look at the picture already." He reached over the table and took off your hood.

You sighed and took the picture Jungkook was handing you. It was definitely a moment you wanted to remember. Of course you did, music was involved. It looked like he just put the headphones on you, like he was excited for you to listen to his music, and you enjoying his music as well. Your hands were also over his like you wanted to stay in that moment forever. It might seem dumb to be happy about something so small, but as someone who doesn't hang out with people much, it couldn't be helped. You liked sharing music even if you had no one to share it with; you just made popular playlists on multiple sites. So finding this stranger- who doesn't know your name, but has the same love for music- was exciting. "It's a nice picture..." you smile.

"I'm surprised you knew the song so quickly." Jungkook puts his headphones to the side. "You must be really into music?"

"Very into music, it's-"

"An escape." He easily finishes the sentence and could tell that he was right by the expression on your face. "I feel the same way."

You listened to music so often, you found yourself wanting to create your own. But you didn't have the equipment quite yet. You hoped to go study somewhere in the music department.

Jungkook hands over a piece of paper with stuff he's written. "I wrote these lyrics, what do you think?"

The long night is following you as it flows

Time follows you and fades.

Love is so painful

Goodbyes are even more painful.

Come back to my arms.

You read the lyrics he's written, and he even sings a bit of the song. He made excuses about his voice, saying that he's still young and learning, but it still sounds good to your ears. He might be singing soft, being shy of the customers around us, but you hear him clearly. It's soothing, you wish he would sing more but he was finished. "What do you think?" He asks for your opinion.

"It's good. I like it. You have a soft beat going on, I hope to hear your finished product soon." You smile and give him confidence.

"Thanks! I'll keep working on it then and hopefully have it done in the future by a professional producer!" He has such hope in his eyes, it seemed like he always did what he wanted to do.

"You don't want to produce it on your own?" You question him since it seemed like he would be capable to.

"I think it could be better if I had help on it." Jungkook reasoned.

"If you say so." You shrug your shoulders and look forward to it in the end. You watch Jungkook read through his lyrics again and smile at the paper. He puts it back in his coat pocket and talks about more music with you. He was fun to talk to, it seemed refreshing to talk to someone with no strings attached. He was young, but fairly well mannered. He's been calling you 누나, and you guessed it's because there wasn't a different and polite way to call you while talking. He seemed okay, you were completely happy and recovered since Jimin suddenly left earlier.

"(L/n) (y/n)."

"Hm?" He looked up at you from his phone.

"My name."

"Oh, it's a pretty name. It's nice to meet you, (l/n) (y/n)." He smiled, shocked that you finally gave him your name.

Your phone went off from a text.

엄마: You better be home in 5 minutes.

You were 5 minutes away by car, 10 by bus, and 15 by running.

This time around, you really wanted to stay, and disobey your mom. It felt different when you were with him, it felt like you naturally made a friend from your rude remarks. "I- I have to go..." You say handing him the picture that was taken of the two of you.

"Keep it." He pushed it back to you. "If I wanted a picture of you..." He took out his phone and quickly snapped an off guard picture of you.. "I'd rather have it on my phone."

You were shocked that Jungkook took a picture of you like that.

"Bye, Jungkook-아"

"I'll see you around?" He asks before you turn away from him.

"Who knows?" You already start walking towards the exit. "It's up to that god-damn fate that's watching me." You scoffed as if fate was an actual person.

You didn't have the time to fight him about deleting the picture that you probably looked so horrible in. You ran out, catching one last glance of him looking at you through a small window. 


I know I haven't updated since Valentine's Day but I really love this story, and it's definitely my favorite. I find it different, and more supernatural than my other two stories that are more realistic. The chapters in this story might seem short, but I am ahead in a chapter already so look forward~ This book isn't as popular as my other two but I hope it becomes popular as well so please like, vote, comment, and share please! Thank you for waiting and thank you for reading this far! <3 I love you guys.

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