Chapter 2

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A/N: Before reading this, make sure you have reread Chapter 1 as it has been edited on  8/19/17


"What?" He asked, taking off his headphones and putting them around his neck.

"Why'd you sit there?" I asked, while finishing up my second order of the hot beverage.

"The seat was empty." He shrugged and folded his arms.

"Well the table was taken." I retorted.

"You were alone."

"Who are you?"

"Jeon Jungkook."

We study each other for a while. This kid was definitely younger than you by a couple of years. He was wearing his high school uniform covered by a black trench coat paired with a red scarf. The headphones around his neck still emitting music from them, music I liked. His cheeks and nose were still tinted red after coming in from outside. His brown, almond shaped eyes that have been staring back at me the whole time, unconsciously making me blush.

He could read how let down you felt, as if something went wrong. He saw your phone next to your drink with headphones still attached. A message popping up with "I'm sorry." written on it. A red and black patterned scarf around your neck. You had a warm aura, making him feel calm. He stared back into your (e/c) eyes, holding no hope and full of disappointment.

"And you are?" Jungkook broke the silence between you two.


There's no use in telling him who you are, (Y/n).

"Leaving. You must be waiting for someone since you haven't ordered anything yet. You can have the table." I grabbed my phone, swiped the lockscreen to play my music, and put on my earphones.

He watched you, thinking if he should stop you before you go.

I glanced at the boy who sat still, watching me pack up. "Don't get your hopes up, Jeon Jungkook." You gave him a heads up before leaving, it was the least you can do after seeing he doesn't have a string attached to him either.

He stood and held you back by grabbing your arm.


You turned around to face him and took out one earbud, waiting for him to say something. Waiting to hear the reason for holding you back. He was still looking into my eyes, as if he was trying to tell me something.

"Stay with me for a while." He lead me back to sit down at the table. "Stay here, I'm going to order something real quick."

I watched him jog to the counter and take his order. He came back and showed you the receipt. "I ordered one drink for myself. I wasn't waiting for anyone to come." He explained, trying to prove your thought wrong.

"Oh, sorry for assuming that you were-"

"Why did you say that earlier?" Jungkook asked you, a little too forward about it.

"Say what?" You tried to forget what you told him a few minutes ago, but you can tell by his stare that he was serious. "Sorry if it sounded rude."

"It sounded like a warning."

"Never mind it. I didn't mean it." You needed to retreat from this situation, you don't know him. "Memo- Years & Years is playing... your music is pretty loud." You looked at his headphones that were still playing music loud enough to hear.

"Oh, you're right." He lowered his music and caught you changing the subject and decided to stop asking questions. He turned his interest into your taste for music.

Last Chance (Jungkook/Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now