"No-" she stops and her eyes widen, I follow her gaze and faintly see a vent. It looked something similar to that, but I'm not so sure if it's a way out. "I think we've found our way out." Sarah glances back at me with a small smile.

"Let me just check it out first though," she gazes down to my ankle. "Are you alright to stay here? I won't be long, I promise." she asks me and I nod. Although, I was a little apprehensive with her checking out that vent all by herself. Something could happen to her and I don't want that to happen. We're already one person down, and that's me

Sarah helps me to the middle of the room and makes me lean on the tomb. "I'll be back, don't you worry." she tells me. "I won't be worrying." I smirk and she rolls her eyes at me. As she was about to leave, I immediately clutch her hand and she looks up at me with a questioning gaze.

"I... uh-" I stop myself. Don't you dare say anything dumb. I swear to God- "just be careful, alright?" I ask her and she chuckles at me.

"I'm always careful." she smiles one last time, before leaving me in the dark. I should've asked her to get that flashlight on the floor, because I honestly can't see a thing. Whilst I stood there, I could hear rattling and I'm pretty sure I heard Sarah shout "gross!".

Smiling to myself, I peer down and see those symbols engraved on the tomb. I forgot to ask Sarah what she discovered. Maybe tomorrow we could check this place out, after I get my Drama project done of course. Obviously when it's daylight and we have to bring the rest of Sibuna. We can't just leave everybody out; we're a team and we're supposed to stick together through everything. No matter what it is.

Especially sticking together with Amphis hot on our heels. Speaking of that creature, I wonder where it is now. It just magically disappeared after pushing me. What a dick. I wonder how long that thing has been alive for... I knew it was ancient, but what was it's purpose? What do they want to find that's so special?


Jumping from fright and hurting my ankle even more in the process, I glance up to see Sarah. I clutch onto my waist, huffing out sharp breaths. She honestly frightened me to my almost death that I wasn't prepared for. Bloody hell, did she really have to do that?

"Seriously?!" I ask her, regaining my breathing back to it's regular state and stand up straight. Sarah was giggling at me and poked at my chest.

"Sorry Mr. Grumpy Pants. I was just getting back at you from before." she says and I roll my eyes. See what I mean by childish behaviour? And why was she sneaking up on me anyway? Isn't she supposed to be searching for a way out within those vents we saw earlier?

"Did you find-" she hushes me before I could continue with my question, and she places her index finger to my lips. "Don't speak." she whispers before leaning closer. Her voice was so low and very sexy. My eyes widen and for some reason, I was frozen to the spot in complete shock. Is this even real right now? What the hell is happening?

Her lips eventually found mine and she tugged at my long, hair as she kissed me. I was unsure on what to do – I was still confused if this was reality or just a figment of my imagination. But whatever it was, it was a chance. A chance I was going to take. And so I place my right hand upon her rosy cheeks and kiss her back. The feeling of her lips upon mine felt... incredible. Everything I suspected and more. It was mesmerising and everything seemed so... perfect. Everything was perfect: right here, in this amazing moment we shared together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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