Road To Dream

18 5 5

Music - Mozart's Lacrimosa

She comes like midnight sky,
Adorned with jewels from head to toe - starry, glittery and silver,
But wearing a black cloak of surrender.
The jewels are inside, too far,
Just like the burning bright star.

Her legs - bold, run for her dreams
But stops in the legacy of being a queen,
A queen who delivers love for greed,
And lust for those who feed it with infinite need.

She lays in bed so bare,
Naked and Vulnerable without any care.
Her eyes shines with pain,
The black orbs holds more than it can drain.

And as the demon enters,
She let him devour,
Not only her body but the chunks of her soul,
Her dreams reduced to ashes, now too far beyond her control.

The storms she survive,
Comes back every night,
And now she is too deep in to the sea,
Lost between the realm of monsters till infinity.

But hope not lost she,
Like the shackles attached to her destiny.
She moves and marches toward every dream,
As the stars inside her gleam,

Waiting and Whispering for the morning to come,
And the lights to fall and stumble
In her dark, deep lanes,
To fill her veins,
Not with the earthly sin,
But the pride of being proud within.

The dreams, too heavy,
Alas! shatters the glass and drown deep in to the past,
Her heart broken understands not,
And she is ready for another night, to be bought.

My verse may not be too sweet,
But I, for one hope and sow the seeds to reap,
That thou the blood is tainted murmurs the crowd,
And dreams are miles away from thy house
Walk till your feets bleed
And be brave as brave you can be
Till you pant and faint
But reach the doorsteps of your unlit dreams
Eager and ready to be lighted
To be yours and yours only

All rights reserved.

So, this piece is based on the life of sex workers and the fact that the society always have this shaded perspective of them makes it so very difficult for them to even breathe their dreams. I read few articles and reports of Non Government Organisations and most of them brought my mind to the idea of how poverty and soul of horrible people take everything away from them but despite of it they do dream with a barrier erected by the society. Their spirits though broken fly away to build a castle of unheard wishes and unspoken demands.
Also, I tried my best to write and I did but I still feel that may be it requires something more so do tell me about your opinion honestly, if it require changes I will work on it more and then probably upload it.
The last note for today, I will upload this even in my other book called Humanism since it based on social themes and this subject is something I personally believe in and also that it is one of the major social problem.

Do share if you think it is worthy enough to be shared among people.

P.s. Sorry for the long note.

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