08. find her

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"My wife is gone

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"My wife is gone. No one rests until we find her. Search every nook of the Institute and do everything you can to track her," Alec instructed the other Shadowhunters of the Institute, his heart racing in his chest. Isabelle and Jace stood on either side of him, and both of them could tell that he was a lot less calculated and cool than he was trying to seem.

"We're going to find her, Alec," Jace repeated for about the millionth time, and Alec gave him a look that felt like it could've killed him.

"She stormed off because you're an idiot and decided you needed to kiss a married woman. She'd be standing right here if you weren't so selfish and impulsive," Alec snarled, and Izzy's eyes went wide. She looked at Jace and he shrugged. Alec turned his back to focus on something else and Izzy smacked Jace in the back of the head.

"You kissed her? What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked, and Jace averted her eyes.

"I don't know, okay? I miss her," he said, and Alec scoffed from where he was standing a few feet away.

"Yeah, you're going to miss her more when she ends up dead," he said, and both Izzy and Jace looked at him, surprised.

"She's not going to end up dead, Alec. We're going to find her," Izzy said, placing a hand on her brother's shoulder. He leaned into her just slightly and Jace closed his eyes, trying for the umpteenth time to track Cass and turning up with absolutely nothing once again. The only time shadowhunters couldn't track is if the person or thing they were looking for was over water. He and Alec had even tried their heightened parabatai tracking, and had come up with nothing.

Cassia's eyes flew open and she could tell at once that she was over water

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Cassia's eyes flew open and she could tell at once that she was over water. She could smell the stench of the mold in the cargo hold she was in and feel the rocking of the boat as it moved.

"Alec?" she called for him, knowing better than to think he was actually there. Of course, there was no response.

She closed her eyes, trying to remember what happened. The last thing she remembered was walking away after Jace had kissed her. Everything in between was black. She surveyed her surroundings, realizing for the first time that she was chained to the floor and had been stripped of her seraph blade and the other multiple weapons she generally kept on her person. Jiggling her pocket around, she realized that she also couldn't feel the weight of her stele in her jacket.

"What the fuck?" she asked quietly, doing her best to look around in the darkness. She was alone in the room and it was almost pitch black. It seemed to be pretty much empty other than her and the chains around her wrists and ankles. She strained against the restraints, to no avail. She tugged them until her arms felt like jello, but they didn't budge at all. "Goddamn it," she whispered, and at that moment, a door at the other end of the room opened, letting in bright light that hurt Cassia's eyes.

"Hello, shadowhunter," an unfamiliar male voice regarded her, and she could sense almost at once that he was a vampire.

"What the hell is this? Do you have any idea who I am?" she asked, and the vampire laughed humorlessly.

"Of course I know who you are, stupid girl. Why would I want just an average shadowhunter when I could have one of the heads of the Institute and the wife of the great Alec Lightwood?" he asked, and Cass' vision finally started to adjust to the light just enough that she could make out his face. She didn't recognize him, and it frustrated her even more. At least if he'd been a vampire she remembered knowing and seeing, she might be able to make some sense of the situation.

"What do you want with me?" she asked, fleetingly proud of herself for keeping her voice strong.

"It's a secret, isn't that wonderful?" he asked, and she shook her head.

"Alec isn't going to agree to whatever ridiculous request I'm sure you're going to make," she told him, knowing it was true. It was against shadowhunter creed to allow oneself to be manipulated that way.

"Maybe so, but then his precious wife dies," the vampire said, using his supernatural speed to appear directly in front of her in a second. She winced just slightly as he pressed a sharp blade to her throat. She could feel just a few drops of blood creep from the shallow cut and the vampire wiped them with one finger and tasted her blood hungrily.

"Let me out of here and I won't kill you," she told him, looking him severely in the eye. He laughed in her face, looking her over like she was the funniest thing he'd ever seen.

"It doesn't look to me like you're in a position to be making threats, shadowhunter," he said quietly, disappearing out the door a moment later and slamming it behind himself.


a/n: tbh i kind of forgot about clary in this story just because i wanted jace to be into cass too and i was more concerned with concentrating on that. i know i've mentioned her a few times, but i guess for the sake of this story, she and jace aren't together and never really went past the flirtation stage.

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