My mistake

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Coltons POV

I was gunna give her what she wanted it was the most I could do for what I put her through. Also killing my pup my wolf hasn't spoken to me since that day at least I still have my wolf.

Thinking back to when Tara showed me the picture of my beautiful mate with another man. It clicked in my head that I would have felt the pain like when milli did when I was sleeping with her sister. I didn't mean to mate with her I was just so angry with milli believing she had cheated on me.

"TARA MY OFFICE NOW" I shouted in my alpha voice.

She came running in my office with her head bowed.

"Did you know she was pregnant?" "No al pha of courssse not" she stuttered.

"I don't believe you Tara you knew my mate was pregnant how did you get the fake images?" She smiled when she looked at me "only if you knew alpha it wasn't just me against you and my ugly sister" she growled.

Calling my beta in to my office he came as soon as I asked.

"Joshua I would like to set up the pack court to be run in 30minutes and also take Tara to the holding cells!"

"Yes alpha right away" locking Tara up in silver cuffs so she can't escape I looked back on all the things i had done to milli. And thinking about the people that may hurt her worse then I had.

My wolf howled inside me with the pain I had caused her. Walking to the doctors office I went to see how she was feeling.

Millis POV

Sitting up in the hospital bed I heard a knock on the door. I knew who it was before he even knocked so ignored him. After 5 minutes of knocking he decided to just walk it.

As he approached me I flinch causing him to look at me with regret.

"The court has been set up to punish you sister for the lies. I thought you had cheated I know that doesn't excuse what I had done to you..."

"DONT EXCUSE!!! You killed my pup he was all I had left and you toke him from me. You and her belong together you didn't even ask me or let me explained you believed the worst like you expected it. It's not only her that needs to be punished look at the damage you have cause. I may not be able to have pups because of you. My wolf has GONE and never coming back so you will never get forgiveness from me. There is no mate bond left the divorce has been filled. I am free from YOU! NOW LEAVE!"

Watching him retreat nearly broke my heart but the person I once loved wasn't there any more he was feeling gone.

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