Story - The Time I Almost Died

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So a couple years ago (like 2) I was coming home from counselling and my mom and I were at this intersection where we were turning left. So we were in the intersection. Not behind the lines because the light was green. But we couldn't turn because the car in front of us was turning. The light turned red while we were in the intersection. The law where I live is that if the light turns red and you are in the intersection you have to go so you don't get in the way of other cars. So while we are turning (my mother turns slow because she has a minivan and she's a very careful driver) this car comes ramming into the side of us. At that point we were half way done with the turn. So we get hit. I only noticed we were in the intersection before we got hit. I always tell my mom to go when the light turns red while in the intersection. I was looking down at my iPad. I felt the other car hit us. My iPad went flying out of my hands. My first reaction, I kid you not, I said "Is my iPad ok?" After being helped by the bystanders the police come and the lady who hit us walks up to my moms car while the officer is talking to my mom and say "Look! Her car isn't even damaged!" Then the police officer responded "You're looking at the wrong side ma'am." She was also complaining about a few bruises on her arm while she had hit the spot that was literally right next to my door. I couldn't even open my door. The officer walked over to my side and asked if I had any injuries or if I was in pain. I said "I have whiplash, my shoulder also hurts, so does my knee." He asked if had to go to the hospital. I said no. The lady didn't even ask if we were ok. She was also crazy. As of now the accident is considered my mothers fault. I don't know if it's closed or not yet but I would like to talk to whoever looked over it because where my mothers car got damage all over the side of my moms car while the lady had the damage on the front of her car. Also why would a mother with her child hit a car at a red light. Oh yeah! She also ran a red light. If my mom drove slightly faster that lady would've hit me and I could've died because she was also speeding. Yeah... that was a fun time. Not really.
~Aaron Could've Died

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