victor; we literally met hen you grounded against me drunk after pole dancing in front of various classmates in years above and below you and asked me to be your coach

victor; then i wanted to go up and talk to you thinking that you knew all about what happened at jj's

victor; but then i heard you ask phichit what my name was one day when i was standing close by with chris and realised that you probably couldn't remember a thing

victor; then after five months of me being too freaking embarrassed to talk to you because you were so pretty and didn't have a clue who i was despite me being head over heels for you chris finally reveals over a group chat that i like you

victor; i then drunkenly text you confirming the fact

victor; and then somehow manage to ask you out during a maths lesson with my phone hidden under my desk

victor; it got confiscated for the rest of the school day after that :/

victor; so yeah

victor; seeing as THAT is our history together, i reckon our first date must be something pretty "special"

yuuri; don't forget the part where you stood outside my window at midnight holding a stereo blaring the 1975 because i was feeling sad

victor; ah look at how fucking poetic i am

victor; well i'd better get back to planning our big date, huh?

yuuri; i will wait here expectantly with my cookies

victor; damnit you are so cute

victor; you are also cute when you're drunk by the way

yuuri; make sure that there is no alcohol at this date

victor; what would you rather have ??

yuuri; cookies

victor; well that can be arranged

yuuri; well i've got half a pack here

victor; well i could come over

victor; as some sort of "pre-date"

yuuri; why don't we make this our "big date" ?

yuuri; you and i with cookies and the 1975

yuuri; how fucking poetic

victor; i'll be over in ten

yuuri; i'm pretty sure that i live like half an hour away from you

victor; i'll run

yuuri; but there'll be no "big date" if you get hit by a car on your way here

victor; what a dark sense of humour you do have

yuuri; ok i'm sorry i'm hungry so i'm starting on the second half of cookies

victor; hold oN i'm getting my jacKET

yuuri; you'd better run because these cookies are good

victor; i will run with the beautiful picture that phichit sent me of you wearing glasses in my mind

yuuri; i'm wearing glasses rn


victor; god you're pretty

yuuri; if you say so :)

victor; when i get to your house

victor; i'm going to tell you how beautiful you are, yuuri katsuki

yuuri; but then i won't be able to hear my music

victor; then i'll tell you silently

victor; by using my lips

yuuri; victor !!

victor; too soon ??

yuuri; no

yuuri; ok just yelling at you over text to hurry up because i'm feeling lonely

victor; give me two minutes at the mOST

yuuri; i'm timing

victor; save me a cookie

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