Chapter 1

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For the longest of times, the cold air nipped at me. The blankets provided no warmth as I shivered on the hard wooden floor. The voices still echoed in my head telling me I was just a girl.
Again and again I would grab my hair, pulling it, making all the voices fall away with each tug.
Nothing would work. The sickening taunts floated around me left and right, upwards and downwards. Everywhere I went, they came and attached me like I was prey.
Except, I was prey. A sickly little creature, bawled up on the floor, muttering nonsense and making jagged movements.
I was sick.
No, I'm not.
Yes, I am!
I couldn't help it, slowly picking myself off the dense floor, my bones creaked and snapped as I made my way up. Shaking and slithering upwards, I stood still, letting the dark room surround me.
Agonizing step, by agonizing stop I made my way out. The door just right ahead of me. The frame crystal clear compared to the musty old room I once laid upon.
The thought of reaching the door and turning the knob, the wooden door creaking open to reveal the magnificent view. The field I grew up by, the bright sun, shining upon my pale, thin body. The small breeze that carried the amazing scents of my bright flowers that sat happily on the field, bringing color that even a person couldn't paint in the best picture.
The on going dream that one day you would reach the end and look back and say, "I made it." jump happily in one spot, not caring that you wasted weeks and months walking.
The captivating sights surrounding you and making you feel at ease.
But, today wasn't it. Today would be the day that you would fall.
Fall and not get up. But, you would try again. Not would, will. You will try again and keep moving till you finally see the field.
Even if you reach the door looking like you have died multiple times, you made it.
Happiness will fill your chest, you will sigh and put on a huge smile that used to habit your face every day, until you fell.
But, you knew that you will make it.
I fell to the floor, shivering in the dark room, I was tired. Every inch of my body ached, knowing that I have used so much energy.
Of course I could crawl.
No, you must survive all the way.
Overcome everything, don't do it half way. If you crawl you will show that I will half to go through it again. Knowing that you are saving that energy for when you do.
Tomorrow I will make it. For I know that I am at least a couple steps closer to my dream.
A couple steps closer to freedom.
A couple steps closer to my life again.

Find what makes you feel happy, use it as your power.

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