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Jackson's dad's funeral was on a Saturday so the Monday and Tuesday after , he didn't come to school. On Wednesday though , he showed up. He started getting  really bad grades. Everyone knew what happened. And believe it or not , London Styles was teasing him.

"I  can't believe your dad was a drunkard. And it's not like you're gonna turn out any better so we have to just gotta hope for the worst." she said with false sincerity.

"Leave me alone London." He replied flatly.

He rubbed his face with a stressed expression  and
strain in his voice.
Being the kind , loving person I am , I attacked her.

"You're such a spoiled brat! You don't even know how to act when someone's feelings are hurt. Would you want someone to treat you like that if one of your parents died???!!!!!"

"Why don't you so yourself a favor , and get the hell out of my face???!!!!!"

Then I pushed her , and she dragged my hair so I pulled at her shorts and she yanked my hoodie.

We had a big fight in the hallway until Mr.Falcom , the music teacher , parted us. He just let us off with a warning (He's very nice to his students)

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