Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

"Chase, you seem quieter than normal." Leah stated as her families house came into view. "What's wrong?" Chase sighed and pointed up toward lookout hill.

"I need to show you something." he replied.

"You're scaring me." Leah said slowly and he stopped Blaze and dismounted, signaling for Leah to do the same. He hitched their horses to the post and then wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her toward the hill.

"Tobias and his men came here and you already know they hurt your mother." he said quietly and Leah nodded.

"Yes, you told me that. Chase, what is going on?!" she exclaimed.

"Benjamin was here when they attacked and he did not get away in time. He's buried up here on the hill." Leah stopped walking suddenly and stared up at Chase. With pleading green eyes she silently begged him to admit that he was lying or telling a terrible joke but his black eyes just gazed back down at her, full of regret and pain that she knew was for her and not over the loss of Benjamin.

"Chase, it can't be true...." she gasped as she shook her head and covered her mouth. "Why would someone kill a helpless man?"

"For the same reason that they would kidnap and torture a helpless woman. They are cowards." Chase replied. Leah sniffled and then she began to cry and Chase wrapped her tight in his arms.

As she cried he guided her up on the hill and the freshly made grave was easy to find. Chase stood still and silent as Leah pulled from his arms and dropped to her knees beside the small wooden cross with Benjamin's name etched across it.

Chase could hear her whispering to the grave, speaking final words to her first love and Chase took several steps away and turned his back to give her the proper privacy.

It was a long time that Chase waited patiently and finally he heard her moving behind him and then her hands were on his back.

"Thank you for bringing me here." she whispered. He turned and watched her swipe her arm across her face, clearing the tears.
"I knew you would want to mourn without so many eyes watching you." Chase replied with a half shrug as he took her by the elbow and pulled her into him. "These are the last sad tears you will cry for a long time." he vowed with certainty.

"You can't promise that." Leah countered and Chase nodded.

"I can and I do." Leah lost herself in his arms as he laid his chin on her head and simply held her.

"Benjamin is probably much happier now. He hated being the way he was in that chair."

"And now he can see you always and share in your happiness." Chase added.

"I'm ready to go." she whispered as she pulled away and stood proudly in front of him. Chase raised his brow and nodded.

"You're sure?" he asked. "I'll wait for as long as you need." Leah smiled at him. Leave it to Chase to be so understanding and caring toward her. He always put her before himself. Always. It was one of the things she loved most about him.

"I know you would but I'm sure. I want to go to the house and get a change of clothes before we go to town." Chase nodded and slipped his arm around her shoulders before leading her down the hill.


"Leah! Leah, help me!" Jane exclaimed as Leah and Chase dismounted beside the doctors office. She was running from the direction of the hotel and looked scared to death. Leah had no idea what could possibly scare the tough talking woman so bad and she walked toward her with concern.

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