The next morning.

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    Eventually Yoosung finally fell asleep trying to ignor the fact that the game was pretty scarry. He knew he would most likely not be on that game for a while.

      Once morning his Yoosung could hear a voice "Yoosung! Hey Yoosung! Wake up! I'm lonely."
  Yoosung rubbed his eyes and sat up. He then looked around and noticed the red head male on the screen. "No freaking way!. How could this happen!?. My computer was shut off!."
  Yoosung was shaking. As he noticed the red head stareing at him with a bright smile. "Good morning Yoosung!, I hope you slept good!."
Yoosung slowly walked over to the computer typing. "S-sorry,  I gotta go to school"

  "Okay, Have a good day hope to talk to you soo-" The red head was cutt off as Yoosung unplugged his computer."Gah so creepy. Why did I even buy this again!? Oh yea, right, it was becuse he's super attractive." Yoosung sighed deeply and
then went to the bathroom and stripped as he turned on the water to the shower and got in. "Calm down Yoosung, it's just a game. It's not like he's real. I can totally get a guy that attractive in real life. But the thing is. Ugh he's gonna be in my head all day." Yoosung pouted as he washed humself. Once he was done. He got out of the shower and grabbed a towel and dried himself quickly and wrapped the towel around his waist. He then slowly went into his room and sighed in relief.

The computer was still shut off. He then went to his closed and grabbed his clothes and dropped the towel as he got dressed. He then put the dirty clothing in a basket. He walked back into the bathroom and fixed his hair up.
Once he was ready he made a cheesy omlet and ate his breakfast.
When Yoosung got done with his food, he put the dishes in the sink and grabbed his backpack and was out the door as he headed to school.


Computer Boy []YooSeven, 707 x Yoosung [] //Yaoi//Where stories live. Discover now