Young Apprentice- Chapter 1

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The young prince walk along his mentor, Death listened to her lecturing. Not quite understanding why he needed to hear about every little detail about their kinds history. It was boring. Vivian stoped, a smile appeared on her face, "alright Death, what was the name of the general who fought in the great war?" Death froze, he didn't listen to that part. "Ummm, was it..." Vivian looked at her apprentice, "go on, unless you weren't listening" Death bowed his head in shame. He could hear Vivian sigh, a hand found its way under his chin lifting his face up, "Your Brother was the answer. Every king fights as the general in a war. When you are king you will also fight in the wars to come."

Vivian's wings stretched as they walked to the branch off. "Alright now lets see how well you can fly" Death gulped as he spread his wings, he hated flying. It was scary. Vivian smiled as she approached him slowly, "its ok Death I will always keep you safe. I'll stay below you, if you fall I will catch you. Understood?" Death nodded as he looked down. Closing his eyes he dived down, large black feathered wings began to flap. His eyes opened as he was above the town he saw Vivian under him, her much larger white wings flapping in sync with his own. "Your doing great kid!" she yelled.

Death smiled as he went a litter higher, he stopped as he noticed another prince walking into their kingdom. But he didn't have a mentor with him. Vivian had pushed herself up, "something catch your eyes?" she asked. Death nodded, "Who's that? And where's his mentor" he asked pointing to the walking figure, his wings looked like they were broken, it looked painful.

"Oh my! We are running late! That's King Geno, poor thing is too young to be a prince, about your age I believe" Death looked at Vivian in shock, that was way to young. Vivian graves Death's arm flying fast to the west gate.

They landed just in time, Vivian stood straight and took her place by Death's side, gesturing him to go and Greet the young king. Death sighed, today was going to be a long day.

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