Once upon a dark day #7

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Mike used to go on vacation in the Czech republic, even thought he was an American citizen, his grandpa from his mother's side had a house in Prague where Mike used to live while on vacation. When Mike turned 16 he decided to help his grandpa, whose clothes shop closed due to the opening of a mall nearby that destroyed it's business, by taking a job and he found the perfect one cook in a small family business fast food restaurant in the wealthier areas of the city. The job had a fine salary and relatively small working times the only problem was that in the Mondays and Fridays he had to work the night shift from midnight to six in the morning. In his job interview his kind personality and cooking skills impressed his boss Mr.Ludvik who specifically said :

"My dear boy you are a natural you could really replace my old cooker"

"Why did he leave, not enough money?"

"No, one day he said he had enough and he left, it was the day after his night sift"

"Some people are really ungrateful for what they have"

"I know hope you enjoy working with Krystof, the man taking the orders, you'll meet him in the morning when you start your work bye for now I will see you tomorrow"


Mike for the first three days had an amazing time and enjoyed every second of his job and had much fun with Krystof. Then the night switch of Friday came. It was a dark, silent and stormy night and it was at around three o'clock a group of drunk friends just left the restaurant after ordering a bunch of cheeseburgers and after that they got lost in the night. After that silence fell into the restaurant.

"Krys, I am bored what can I do?"

"Patience Mike, try doing a job so you spend some time"

"You won't trick me again into doing your job won't you?"

"No, I am too tired of doing that just do it now so you won't need to do it tomorrow"

"You got a point there I am going to"

" I always have a point and I never lie try remember this, anyway I will try cleaning the tables here..."

As Mike was cleaning the dirty and urinated male toilets, after fixing the paper on the woman toilets, he heard a loud noise coming from outside the window *DOUP* this sound broke chill at Mike's spine, he quickly ran to the window to see what was going on
He saw nothing...
After some minutes he heard the sound again *DOUP* again he saw nothing. He was starting to become really paranoid, and all this became worse when he heard the sound for a third time and a bit later for a forth time. Mike's situation got so bad to the point that he left the cleaning and ran at the place with the tables where Krystof was cleaning them. Mike panicked explained the situation

"Mike, I can't believe you got that scared with just some sounds, I go clean the toilets, you go clean the tables these drunken idiots almost destroyed them and please stop watching scary movies"

The cleaning was going well until Mike heard from outside *DOUP* , this sound was the last thing he wanted to hear, he was panicked again. But this time he wouldn't be scared, he got outside to see for himself the source of the sound. He saw only the darkness of Prague at night. Then he heard something coming from behind him he turned to face his fear, only to find out that Krystof was behind him, he had returned from cleaning the toilets.

"What are you starring at?"

"Nothing I just try to find out where is the noise coming from"

"Ok, continue and give me that, I will clean the tables and you focus on your mental breakdown"

"Ok thanks you are a great colleague"

He continued investigating the sound source and then he heard it again *DOUP* he ran towards the place he thought that the sound came from and he shouted at Krystof to come


"Krys, Krys, I found where is the sound coming from. There" he said showing a big black figure

Krystof went near that figure

"This is why you were annoying me all night? A stupid tree?"

"A what?!?"

"A darn tree, you were scared of darn tree, just go and take a nap in an hour and 45 I will wake you up don't go anywhere"

He went inside and before closing his eyes he apologised for his behaviour to Krystof, to which Krystof replied thatvit was his first nightshift and in everyone's first night shift they are scared. After some time of closing his eyes he heard a really loud sound *BAM* this waked him up for good and after looking if it was his time to leave, it wasn't it just was 5:20, he had two options: one ignore it, two go and investigate. He chose the second because he was tired of sounds. He went and saw that the sound was coming from the storage of the restaurant. He ran in there to finally confront his fear what he saw there feared him beyond belief. Bodies tons of mangled bodies be turned into sliced meat, blood everywhere when he went deeper he heard the door behind him closed, Krustof was the one who did this, he was holding a bloody axe

"Welcome to the true reason this restaurant exists human meat selling is really profitable the drunk guys from before would agree, that's why we bagged them and we moved them here"




"YES, and now you now about the reason this restaurant exists, international human meat selling!"


"And really profitable, that's why the big salaries and relatively low working times, my boy"

"Now you can make a choice, leave and keep the secret or work with us"

He decided to keep the secret and from then he wasn't call Mike but "Special cheeseburger with bacon" and the police never found he new identity out

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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