Chapter 28

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"It's been a few days since you had blood," I commented, turning my head towards Nik.

"I was just going to say the same to you. Unfortunately for me, I don't have access to any, nor can I go get some."

"They really should have given you some when they locked you in there."

"Why don't you go home? Get some rest, some blood, a change of clothes?" Nik suggested, but I shook my head.

"I'm not leaving until you can."

"Kitten, I'll be fine. You should go feed. Then when you're done, you can come back with some blood for me.

"Nik –," I started to argue, but he cut me off.


Sighing, I nodded my head, "okay. I'll be back in a few hours."


Following the sound of voices and pumping blood, I stepped over a small tree that had fallen. There was a group of people camping in the woods tonight. I had overheard one of the guys talking about it at the Grill as he bought a bunch of alcohol. A group of intoxicated people sleeping in the middle of nowhere, away from prying eyes and ears. They were the easiest targets imaginable. A leaf crunched under my foot, but it went unnoticed by the inebriated campers who continued to laugh and talk loudly. One of the boys got up, telling the others that he was "going to take a leak" before wandering off into the dark trees. I slowly followed him, not making a sound as he walked further and further from the campsite. He finally stopped, apparently finding the right spot and I leaned up against a tree, waiting for him to be finished. I heard the 'zip' of his pants followed by his footsteps as he got closer to my hiding spot. As soon as he was close enough, I stepped out, causing him to stop in his tracks and look me up and down. "Well hey there, gorgeous," he drunkenly smiled. "Are you lost?"

"No, but you might be," I smiled back. Through his drunken state, he obviously thought I was flirting.

"Then you must be here to rescue me." He moved closer, reaching out to grab onto my waist. I let him, thankful that Nik wasn't here, otherwise he would have torn this guy to pieces.

"Well, I definitely plan on taking you back to your friends," I muttered, leaning forward to gently place my lips on his neck. He breathed out as I continued to leave kisses along his throat. Before he knew what had happened, I had sunk my teeth into his jugular. He let out a strangled cry that I knew had alerted the others as he fought against me. The more blood I drank, the less of a struggle it became. Soon, I had drained him dry and let go of him, allowing his body to drop to the forest floor. Grabbing him by the arm, I started back towards the camp, dragging his body with me. I got close enough to the campsite to see that the rest of the group was on edge, looking over to where I was standing. None of them could see me as I hid in the shadows. Coming to a stop, I dropped the guy's arm, leaving him there and moving away as one of his friends stood up. He ventured out of the campsite towards his friend's lifeless body, not knowing what he would find. I watched on as he discovered it, his mouth dropping open. He stumbled back a few steps before turning and running back towards his friends.

"He's dead! Jake's dead!" He yelled, causing fear to rise in all of them. They were no longer in a drunken stupor.

"Dead?" One of the girls began to cry and I suspected she was his girlfriend. "How?"

"I don't know. An animal, maybe. He was just lying there."

"That was no animal," I chuckled, stepping out from behind the trees. Moving closer to the fire, I noticed all of them shift slightly.

"How do you know?" The guy who had discovered the body, asked.

"I'm a bit of an expert." Sitting down on one of the logs, I picked up a stick, poking a marshmallow through the top. They all stared at me with confused expressions as I stuck the marshmallow over the fire, roasting it.

"So, if it wasn't an animal, then what killed Jake?" When I thought the marshmallow was done, I popped it into my mouth, not bothering to let it cool before swallowing it down.

"I did," I smiled, letting my eyes and teeth change. The girls immediately screamed and jumped up, running away. I went for the girlfriend first, appearing in front of her and diving for her neck. She drained in seconds and I dropped her, going for my next victim. It only took a few minutes to track them all down and suck them dry. Feeling somewhat satisfied with my hunt, I put out the fire, then made my way back to town. I had almost made it to the edge of the trees when a figure stepped out, stopping me.

"Thought you could get rid of me that easily, did you? Well, think again." A pain erupted in my head and I fell to my knees, letting out a scream. I didn't even see her move closer before everything went dark.

Only 2 chapters and the epilogue left, you guys! I hope you have enjoyed this book! 

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2017.

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