Stage One Obsessions.

Start from the beginning

The man was a target and a future victim, so what if he was pretty and had mean eyes? Despite how much that turned me on, he must be destroyed. I’d come to far to leave now empty handed. 

“I’d prefer to call you, M’Lord. Or King, or something,” I said dumbly, which made him lower his eyes at me, eyelashes taking over his face. 

“Your voice is making me hungry,” he said. 

“I brought food.” 

“I don’t like that food.” 

“Well, sir. I’m not food,” I said, pushing myself off the bed, he threw me back on seamlessly, making me perk an eyebrow at him. The man was strong, I’ll give him that. “I’m a girl, and I came to give you your food.” 

“Stop it,” He said, leaning forwards, staring intently at my lips. Go on, do it! Give in and kiss me you fool. 

“Stop what, sir?” 

“Talking, stop it.” 

I shut my mouth, unable to help the small smile that perked onto my lips. It was small and he didn’t even notice as he leaned forwards, putting both hands either side of my head. Lips dipping towards mine, barely even touching. Brushing, he leaned further into me. Getting one good feel of my lips before he was swooped back. 

“Servant!” A voice screamed angrily, stoping a foot at the edge of the bed, “Get lost!” 

I nodded at the King, then disappeared down the hallway, rubbing my lips as I went, already feeling them begin to burn. 

If I wasn’t distracted, the bastard would be dead by now! I turned back, just in time to see the King lean towards the doorway, and eyes lock with mine before the door shut on him and the screaming match began. 


“So, how was it?” Matilda, a lowly maid said, stirring a large pewter pot. 

“How was what?” I asked, using the knife on the bench to cut my hair, throwing the excess into an empty trashcan by the window. Missing each shot completely and letting the hair fall into the soup which would be served to the King’s royal guests tonight at his banquet. 

“You know...” she blushed turned around and used her wooden spoon as an example, I rolled my eyes. We both laughed. 


“Oh stop acting so innocent, Emile. You know what I’m talking about!” 

“I want to hear you say it.” 


“C’mon, out loud. Say it, it’s not that hard.... his, d-” 

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