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Anna woke up with Fili's arms wrapped around her waist and the sun in her eyes. Groaning she turned over and buried her head in his neck. "Fee wake up," Anna ordered trying to shake Fili from his slumber. "Go annoy Kili, little tiger he deserves it," Fili mumbled turning over. Glaring at her cousin Anna raised her hand and hit Fili on the head. "What was that for?" Fili scowled. "Don't talk about Kili like that cousin," Anna explained glaring at the young prince.

"Papa!" Anna exclaimed seeing her father stand in the doorway watching the two interact. "Good morning my princess." Thorin smiled holding his daughter in his arms. "Where are you going uncle?" Fili asked looking up at him. "Battle... we're going to try to reclaim Moria," Thorin replied smiling at Fili and then kissing his daughter on the forehead.

Gently placing his precious gem on the bed he smiled at his nephew and daughter. "Be good for Dís," Thorin spoke running a hand through her knotty blonde hair. "Papa!" Anna cried as Fili held onto his cousin trying his best to comfort her. Sighing he picked her up and held her close to his body. "I'll be back before you know it," Thorin smiled setting Anna back on the bed. "Look after her for me." Fili rushed towards his uncle and pulled him into a hug. "I will," Fili replied.

"It's time to go," Frerin explained from outside the room.  "I love you, my beautiful little princess." Thorin smiled kissing Anna once more on the forehead and followed his brother out of the house.

Months passed and there was not sign of Thorin coming back, no news what so ever. With each month that passed, Anna felt that she was going to burst because of the misery she felt without her father by her side. "What is wrong my little tiger?" Fili asked sitting next to Anna on the floor. "I miss papa." Anna sniffled whipping her snotty nose on her dress sleeve. "I know I miss him too," Fili stated watching the embers burn in front of them.

"What are you two doing?" Dís asked watching Anna and Fili watch the fire's movement. "We're bored," Anna explained turning to face Dís and smile at her. "Well they're back I'm surprised you haven't gone to see them." Dís stated wrapping her shawl around her upper body.

Anna wriggled out of Fili's grip as her father walked through the front door. "Now where is my daughter?" Thorin asked walking into the room. "Papa!" Anna screamed as her feet made the adorable Pitter patter on the wooden floor.

"Where's everyone else?" Kili asked. "Where's father?" Fili asked. "Dís I'm sorry we got separated during the battle. I'm sorry I couldn't save him." Thorin apologised pulling his sister into a much need hug.

"At least your home." Did mumbled kissing Thorin on the forehead and walked into the kitchen.

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