twenty four.

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a/n: happy 1k votes you guys <3


"So this is the guest bedroom. The bathroom is— Valui?"

Not a handful of minutes after Hitoshi had taken Valui up to the guest bedroom, she had fallen asleep on it. The exhaustion had caught up with her; the grief and guilt and sorrow that weighed on her shoulders finally got too heavy; the realization that she was finally safe made her just simply collapse onto the bed and fall asleep before she even realized it.

"What am I going to do with you?"

In her sleep, she felt something touch her forehead and a warmth envelope her body.

When Valui woke up again, the door was being opened and the smell of food was filling the room. She opened her eyes sleepily, eyes meeting Hitoshi's in the partially dark room. In the darkness, she saw him smile at her and set the plate he was holding on the nightstand beside the bed.

"Mornin' sleeping beauty," he teased, ruffling her hair gently. "You awake enough for me to turn on the light?"

Valui nodded sleepily, watching Hitoshi cross the room to the light switch and flip it on. The sudden brightness of the room made her vision go and her eyes squint; by the time they adjusted, Hitoshi was back at her side. When he sat on the bed, Valui scooted over next to him and leaned on his shoulder.

"Did you sleep well?" As he asked, he snaked his arm around her waist.

"I did." Surprisingly enough, it had been a restful sleep; Valui had expected the opposite — horrific nightmares of what she had seen and what she was afraid to see; memories that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

"That's good." They fell silent for a few moments before Hitoshi broke it again, looking down at her. "Are you hungry?"

Valui lifted her head up, eyes glancing to the plate that had been set on the nightstand and then up at Hitoshi. "A little." But she didn't move to get the food; instead, she added on something else, "I really wanna take a shower though."

Hitoshi blinked, then nodded with a small smile. "Oh, that's just down the hallway. You can't miss it."

She slid off the bed and smiled thankfully at him. "Alright, I'll—" Her words stopped as realization dawned on her. "U-um, wait." At Hitoshi's confused expression, Valui continued. "I don't have anything to wear after."

Hitoshi seemed to think for a moment; then, his face turned pink as he looked away from her. "You can, uh... Y-you can wear my clothes. I-if you want."

Valui felt her own face turn red, but she also felt herself start holding back a smile. With a nod, she let a small giggle escape her mouth. "I'm fine with that." She saw Hitoshi smile faintly, though he didn't return his gaze to her. "I'm gonna go take my shower now."


Valui made her way down the hallway and into the bathroom, leaving the door cracked as she assumed Hitoshi would leave his clothes for her while she was in the shower. The shower itself didn't take very long — maybe fifteen or so minutes — and when she got out, there was a small pile of clothes sitting on the counter. With a faint smile, Valui dried herself off and pulled on the clothes — an Eraserhead shirt that was much too big for her and a pair of pajama pants that she would be lucky to not trip in.

Valui opened the door of the bathroom and stepped out into the hallway just as Hitoshi walked past toward his room. He stopped when he saw her, eyes growing just the slightest bit wider at the sight of her. He turned red and looked away from her just as quickly as the color rose to his face.

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