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After five days, Valui was exhausted of every emotion except tiredness.

She spent a while after being drug into an abandoned building panicking — she huddled herself in the corner of the room and shook, eyes wide and face pale as tears fell in steady streams down her cheeks. She found herself fearfully staring at the long katana strapped to her kidnapper's hip as he paced around and rambled on and on about killing heroes — how he was going to kill whatever pro hero came for her; how her idolization for them meant nothing to them; how the only one worthy of living was All Might.

"I bet you think you're going to be a hero too, don't you?" he taunted, leaning down close to her with a wicked grin. "Tell me, little girl, what's your Quirk?"

His hand gripped the hilt of his sword. In the dim light that filtered in from somewhere deeper into the building, the shiny metal reflected and shone brightly.

When she whimpered out that she didn't have one, the sword was pushed back into its sheath; he moved back from her and his insulting smile dissipated. "Oh." He seemed at a loss for a moment, as if he hadn't expected her to just be an average person without any special power. "Well, then I sympathize with you." His demeanor and personality seemed to shift dramatically — so much so that it sent a different kind of fear through her. He sat himself down a little ways in front of her. "What's your name, little girl?"

Valui hugged her knees close to her chest, avoiding looking at him. "Valui," she mumbled softly, afraid of what might happen to her if she didn't answer.

"Hm. Unique."

Everyone says that, except


Valui nearly started crying again. She would, had he not started speaking to her again. "Call me Stain."


The second day of being kept in the building, Stain started keeping track of how many days it took for someone to start caring she was missing. That was the only way Valui could tell how much time had passed — there were no windows anywhere around her, and she didn't dare try moving from her spot.

The second day was also their first field trip.

Valui was toying with her shoelaces when something caught her attention from the corners of her eyes. She turned her head, distantly getting a pang in her temple — she hadn't slept at all through the night. A purple mist was floating next to Stain, yellow eyes occasionally glancing over to her.

After a brief conversation Valui didn't hear, Stain went over to her and pulled her up roughly by the hood of her jacket. She stumbled and tripped over her feet, but the male's grip on her kept her up as he halfway dragged her over to the mist.

"W-where are we going?"

"Business meeting," was the only response she was given as Stain pulled her through the mist, landing them in some kind of bar. The mist they had come through dissipated; the real body, so to speak, was behind the counter in a suit. In the middle of the bar was a twitchy looking male with a number of disembodied hands on his body — the most prominent one being on his face.

To say Valui was unsettled was an understatement.

"Who's this?" The man leaned down close to her, the hand nearly touching her face.

Valui reeled back, but Stain's grip on her jacket kept her from moving very far. "Bait. She's not important."

A malicious smile appeared behind the hand. "She looks fragile." He ran one of his actual hands down the side of Valui's face; down her neck, then her arm, and stopping when her hand was in his.

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