the thin line between friends

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The ads came on interrupting his game. He cussed loudly and fell onto the sofa. I went and sat next to him taking off my shoes. He looked at me and sat up straight suddenly. “Katy are you alright” he asked trying to see my face better. I nodded and tried to hide my pain behind the curtain of my hair. He slouched back down “OH. Okay it looked like you had been cry-“I burst out into tears again interrupting him “SHIT KATY” he said jumping up again with a worried expression. I let the tears flood I hadn’t gotten it all out on Brandon. “What’s going on? What’s happened?” he begged looking concerned. He got worried with me and boys. He didn’t care about Rita; she got over boys like a bridge if she wasn’t the one dumping them.

“Jet” I cried finally saying his name clearly, I felt him tense up. Where he was gripping my forearms started to throb. “OW! Brian your hurting me!” I exclaimed still crying. I attempted to pull out of his grip. He let go and strode towards the door. “BRIAN where are you going?” I shouted. He looked at me with a cold expression “I’m going to punch his face in” he sneered pulling on his jacket. I leapt towards him and grabbed his arm “NO BRIAN DON’T” I begged crying harder. He gave me a ‘are you stupid’ look. “WHY NOT?” he yelled back. I felt sincere regret in the words I was about to say. He hated these five words “Brandon’s doing it for you” I whispered. He clenched his jaw “DAMMIT KATY what did I tell you. Stay away from that bastard” he shouted angrily. If he called him that one more time I would be the one screaming.

I had calmed down Brian. He was now staring at the on-going footy game with annoyance I could tell by his expression he wasn’t watching it anymore he had something else on his mind. I decided to not be the one to break the silence. “Why do you trust him so much?” he muttered still staring at the TV. I looked at him and sighed “because I’ve known him since I was four” I hoped this was enough and he would change the subject. “I HAVE KNOWN YOU SINCE BIRTH AND YET HES THE FIRST ONE YOU RUN TO WHEN THAT BASTARD DUMPS YOU!” he yelled throwing his hands in the air. I cringed at his shouting. I slouched deep into the sofa hoping to disappear. Eventually I sat up “I’m going to bed” I muttered quietly, walking away.

I threw of my school dress and pulled on a baggy top that I stole from Brandon one time at the beach. It calmed me down, made me think more clearly. I climbed into bed and began to check Facebook on my phone. I jumped when my ringtone went off in my hand. I quickly pressed answer before anyone could hear. “Hello?” I whispered. I heard shuffling from the other end. “Hey it’s Brandon” he whispered knowing that Brian would kill him if he found out he was calling me at eleven at night. I quickly glanced at my door and swung to lock it. “Oh hey Brandon…did you talk to Jet?” I let sarcasm smother the work talk.

There was a long pause; I fiddled with the threads on my blanket glancing often at the door. “Yeah” he finally answered. I heard a siren go off in the background of his phone. I scrunched my eyebrows together “um. Brandon what was that?” I asked starting to worry exactly how far he had gone with the Jet situation. I heard him clear his throat. “Um, well you see Katy that’s what a rung about…my parents have been arrested can I stay at yours tonight?” he rushed the last part. I felt a wave of shock and fear for Brandon rush over me I jumped out of bed and started to pace the room. “WHAT!” I screamed/whispered.

Half an hour later I was sneaking down to the front door to let Brandon in. Brian had gone to bed and I’m pretty sure Rita went to a party. She didn’t really know the difference these days. “Explain!” I whispered with my hand on my hip. “It’s nice to see you to Katy” he said with a sarcastic smile. I slapped him on the shoulder. He laughed. “Okay but first can I have a glass of water I haven’t had one since training?” he asked giving me the puppy eyes. I nodded and tried to look away from the traps.

“Well long story short my dad has robbed several banks with help from my mother over the past few years” he said casually gulping down the water as he sat down on the couch. I stared at him was he kidding me? Why the hell was he so calm? “But never mind about me how have you been taking Jet?” he asked gulping even more water. I stared at him my mouth hanging open wide. Did this boy really care for me more then himself? He looked at me confused “what?” he asked curiously. I snapped out of my trance. “Put it this way your parents have just been sent to jail for robbing banks over a matter of years you have no home to go to. And you ask me how I am?” I asked pointing to myself still so very shocked. He nodded. “I rather me then you any day” he smiled. I felt my heart melt. Had he just said that to me?

We talked for a while about his future in staying at our house and how Brian would take it. It was then Brian had decided to come down stairs “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?” he screamed. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw what was his problem. Brandon looked shocked and ready for anything Brian threw at him. Brandon wasn’t weak there was a reason he was considered the hottest guy in the school. He was extremely fit tanned and had a clearly shown six pack. Not that my brother wasn’t tanked as was just you know he’s my brother.

“WHY THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN IN OUR HOUSE?” he continued to shout. Brandon was now standing up and shoving me behind him to somewhat protect me from my own brother? Habit I guess. “BECAUSE SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH SOME SERIOUS SHIT TODAY AND I AM HER BEST FRIEND” yelled Brandon matching his tone. Brian looked like he was going to explode he was breathing heavily and his jaw was clenched. “WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE?” he shouted back gesturing to me who was hiding slightly behind Brandon. His face suddenly changed even Brian looked apologetic for a second. Was I missing something? “you know exactly why I care” said Brandon through his teeth trying to control his anger, his hands were in fists they were shaking, itching to punch my brother. His jaw was clenched and it was extremely hot to see he was this worked up over me.


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