Things The Signs Remind Me Of

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Things the signs remind me of

Aries: A volcano//beautiful, intimidating, unpredictable

Taurus: A gingerbread latte//calming, heartwarming, simplistic

Gemini: Ocean waves//powerful yet calming, spontaneous

Cancer: Oversized sweaters//comforting, cute, natural

Leo: Melted chocolate//irresistible, warming, sleek

Virgo: Pine forests//orderly, lone, haughtily beautiful

Libra: The topics//stunning, relaxing, serene

Scorpio: A bonfire//bright, captivating, hot :^)

Sagittarius: Fireworks//spontaneous, vibrant, wonderful

Capricorn: A city//powerful, daunting, breathtaking

Aquarius: A coral reef//colourful, unique, spectacular

Pisces: English countryside//limitless, gentle, classic

I'd have to say,it's true. *flips hair* ♏

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