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This morning was definitely one I'd never forget. The wish had changed so much, and it seemed like every turn I took led me to one more thing that was different.

"It's absolutely adorable how Jai is around you. No guy would stay friends with a girl this long unless he really liked her."

"Madi," I say when I see her in the mirror. "Hi."

"Don't you think?" she asks and leans against the sink.

"Think what?" I ask and grab some paper towels to dry my hands. I really wanted to talk to Madi more, but I only had so long before I had to get back to science class.

"Jai, he really likes you. Of course that giant candle in your bag could tell you that." She laughs. "Still liking the wish?"

"I guess. I haven't been tormented today so that's definitely good."

"The day after I made my wish, around this time, I was heading out for a picnic with my true love. After the wish we had been dating for almost three years. Can you believe that?" she looks into the mirror and her expression changes. "Lander Day Park, we had ham and cheese sandwiches, and then he gave me the news."

"What news?" I ask and she sighs.

"More story later. You need to get back to class." She says and I hear the sound of someone walking into the bathroom, and Madi vanishes.

"Do you think Cameron was acting weird today?" Alexa asks as we drive to the mall after school.

"Um, I wasn't really paying attention," I lie. Honestly whenever he was around I couldn't help but think how different he was now.

"Both of you are being so weird today! You usually can't stop talking and you have barely said anything today! And I wasn't going to mention it, but why are you wearing those ripped jeans? It's totally not like you." She says and I look down.

I had a hard time finding an outfit for today actually. My whole closet was messed up. I had no band tees, only two pairs of ripped jeans, and one pair of sneakers. Apparently in this life I was outgoing and girly. I was just like Alexa, or supposed to be.

"I just wanted to try out a new look today," I lie. Now I knew what to do tomorrow. "And I've been thinking a lot today about the party and Jai." And you, and Cameron, and everything different about my life.

"Well stop, you're freaking me out. With Cam today I seriously think he might dump me. For real this time too. Jai and I made a deal for him to talk to Cam and me to talk to you. All I have to say to you is wait until Friday to say yes. He has some really great gifts for you." She says and we pull into the mall parking lot. "C'mon, we need to get some ah-mazing outfits for Friday."

"Right, but I need to be home by six." I tell her. My parents always wanted me home by six on a school night.

"Are you in trouble?" she asks in shock. "Usually it's eight."

"Um, well, with it being the week of the party my mom wanted me home early tonight or something like that." My parents were so much cooler now, I loved it!

"Boo, well I pretty much know what I want to get, I just need your approval. Let's go!"

I was amazed at the fact I now had a debit card in my wallet. Even more so when I found the slip of paper from Madi saying I had $4,000 dollars on it, a gift from her.

"What do you think?" Alexa asks stepping out of the dressing room. She had on black shorts, a sparkly red tank top, and thigh high stockings. "Of course I'd find some cute boots or something to go with. And I'm thinking about curling my hair. Would it be ridiculous to wear a Santa hat?"

"No, I think it would be cute." I say. It was hard to believe that just yesterday I was in this very same mall, hiding from Alexa, and being tormented.

"Do you think Cam will like it? I really want him to because I feel like I'm losing him," she says and looks at the mirror.

"Alexa, you are so beautiful, he'd love anything you wear." I tell her.

"Really? Thanks Leah, that's why you're my best friend! Now we need to find you something to wear." She says and quickly walks back into the dressing room.

I stand up and walk around the store thinking "What would Alexandra wear?" and finally I saw something that could help me.

"Madi! You're here." I say and she hands me a stack of clothes.

"Take these and try them on. Buy which ever you like the most, and then Alexa will help you find shoes and accessories." She says.

"Madi, thank you. I didn't realize how different I would be after this wish. Alexa told me I'm usually loud and outgoing; that's not me."

"It is now, and I know it's tough, but- oh! I'll see you when you later. No one can see me!" She says and waves her hand to make herself disappear.

"Whoa! That was fast." Alexa laughs looking at the clothes in my arms. "Go try them on! I want to see!" She pushes me towards the open dressing room and once inside I sigh looking at the clothes that were the new me.

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