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"Ahhh, loser!" Alexa laughs when I open the front door. This wasn't her normal "loser" though; I could tell it was a friendly way to say it.

"Hey!" I exclaim, kind of unsure what to do.

"We need to get going, I have major gossip!" she says quietly. "C'mon!"

I follow her down the sidewalk and climb into the passenger seat of her red mustang. Even after my wish she still got the same present for her last birthday.

"So, I'm really not supposed to tell you, but c'mon you're my bestie!" she laughs as she pulls out of the driveway. "Jai is using this week to try and seal the deal."

"What deal?"

"Getting you to like him silly! Which I find completely hilarious since you've liked him ever since I can remember! But using my plan of playing hard to get, you'll get so many Christmas presents it will be like celebrating Hanukah!" she says then turns back to me. "Why are you being so quiet? Are you getting sick?"

I was being quiet? This was how I normally- but now normal was different.

"Oh no, just thinking about the party."

"Oh, speaking of that, Thursday night Cammy said he could help out with getting the studio ready since I have that lame dinner with my parents." She says and I try not to laugh hearing her say "Cammy," he hated when people did that, and if Alexa ever did he probably would have dropped dead.

"Cam, Thursday, studio, got it." The party would be at my studio? So, people knew about it?

"You know that I never leave any girl alone with my man, but I am 100% sure I can trust you. Even though the more I think about it, the harder it is to remember a time you guys held a solid conversation."

"What decorations do I need?"

"I thought I told you I would buy them. I'll get them Wednesday night probably and Cammy can bring them to your place Thursday." She says and then gasps. "I gotta show you this new song!" She quickly finds the song and dub step blasts through the speakers. This world was definitely not the same.

"Cammy!" Alexa exclaims and they kiss. I feel completely awkward watching my old best friend, and magically new best friend kiss. This just didn't make sense. Cameron hated Alexa! But Alexa also used to hate me...

"Get a room," Jai laughs as he walks by and he smiles at me. Finally, something else to pay attention to. "Good morning Leah."

"Good morning Jai," I say and he swings his bag off his shoulder.

"I got you something," he says as he reaches inside. I look up at Alexa, who is no longer making out with Cameron, and she winks at me.

"You did?" I ask acting surprised.

"Yeah, I know how you love cinnamon smells, so," he pulls out a big heart shaped candle and I feel my cheeks turning red. "It smells like cinnamon."

"Jai, wow, that's so sweet." I say and take it.

"You really out did yourself Jai," Cameron says and I meet his brown eyes. Somewhere he was still my best friend...

"Wait until tomorrow, and the next day, and all the way til Friday." Jai says and I shake my head.

"You don't have to," I say. Why had my new-self played hard to get for so long? Standing here in front of Jai Lerman, with his cute crooked smile, and messy blonde hair, I would probably say yes right now if he asked me to marry him. Pre- wish and post- wish, I had always had a thing for him.

"I'm going to, cause your heart is worth a thousand presents, a million dollars, anything you want I'll give to you." Jai says and I look back to Alexa for help.

"Dang right she's worth a million dollars!" She exclaims. "All girls like us are, right Cammy?"

"Exactly Lexi," he says. I knew for a fact that Alexandra hated being called Lexi. She always said it was a dog name. Why was it okay for Cameron to call her that? But why was it okay for her to call him Cammy?

This wish was messing with my life so much, but I guess I had to deal with some weirdness to be happy.

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