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"Observe the sinfulness of your fear in the effects; how it driveth you from God, and hindereth faith, and love, and thankfulness, and discourageth you from prayer, and sacraments, and all duty. And therefore it must needs be pleasing to the devil." – Richard Baxter

" – Richard Baxter

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Dark Cello Music - Forever and Never - The Vampire

The Village Expanded Soundtrack - It Is All That I Can Give You

The sun had set, the night cast silver by the nearly-full moon's pale light

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The sun had set, the night cast silver by the nearly-full moon's pale light. On the mountainside, the Shrouded One stalked through the snow. He followed our steps, our sweat, my droplets of blood upon the thorny brush. His breath huffed clouds into the frigid air, expelled from rotten lungs. I did not see him so much as I felt him.

"He's nearly here," I said.

Mason jerked awake from his half sleep. He had tried to keep his eyes open once he settled on the old bed, but the long days had caught up with him within minutes though he jerked and fought. I still sat at the desk, pouring over Danielle's careful notes. In the hours since having my Sight torn open, I could not seem to quiet it again. I was aware of everything, more so than I had ever been, so that the night's noises became a cacophony I could not block out. The crickets' chirps, mice in the snow, the swoop of an owl, the clicking of bats. And of course, stronger than them all, Zibarath as he hunted us.

"Can he get in?" Mason said, his alarm fighting against sleep and making him stumble wearily to his feet.

"No," I said. "Magby wanted to ensure that Danielle would never be found: that included Zibarath finding and consuming her." I sat back in the old chair, my back aching. "Magby feared that if Zibarath ate Danielle, he would gain her power. Now that Zibarath has eaten Witch Mother . . ."

"He's grown more powerful," Mason finished for me. "Damn it all."

I wearily rubbed my dirty hands over my face. I felt as if it had been months since I bathed, though it had only been a few days in reality. Time flowed together, day into night, with hardly any space for rest between the horrors.

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