| chapter three |

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' i have a 100 thoughts, and you are 99 '

' i have a 100 thoughts, and you are 99 '

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"You going with Elijah today?" Jeremy asked as everyone sat at the table for breakfast. Alice nodded as she continued scanning through a magazine that she held in her hands.

"Yup. We're going to a library today." She informed them, still reading the magazine about cooking.

"Oh my god!" Caroline squealed, and they all looked up at the over the moon vampire.


"We're in here!" Caroline told Alice, and she nodded, laughing.

"I know." The others rose a brow before Damon snatched the magazine from Caroline's hands.

"Damn Alice. These are some sexy pics." Damon whistled before looking at Caroline's pictures. "Wow, Blondie. I'm impressed." Satisfied with the half compliment, Caroline thanked him before taking back the Magazine.

"'Famous model Alice Heartstone has finally achieved her Golden Glitter photo shoot and boy, did she ace it. These pictures don't just show class, but they show her fierceness and beauty. Her reputation as the Golden Angel has now been completed and we wish her the best as she takes leave for a couple of months before resuming her job as a model.'" Caroline read Alice's side of the double page.

"Leave?" Alice nodded, smiling before motioning Caroline to read her page.

"'Introducing our new flower girl, Caroline Forbes. A beautiful sunny girl who has the most amazing personality. Her positive attitude intensifies her looks, and her smiles brighten up everyone's day. Watch out girls because we may have a new model coming soon.'" Caroline squealed with joy before rushing over and hugging Alice, who laughed and hugged her back. "Thank you so much!"

"It was my pleasure." Alice smiled before a knock was heard on the door. "That must be Elijah." She told them, finishing off her pancake before slipping her bag on her shoulder. "Bye." She kissed both Tyler and Jeremy's cheek before leaving, after saying goodbye to the rest.

"Bye, Alice!"

"Hey, 'Lijah." Alice greeted her friend as she opens the door.

"Hello, Alice. Ready to go?" The blonde nodded, and the two got in the car, talking about books until they reached the library, which took about two hours to get there.

"Alice. Elijah." Hearing our names, we looked up at a girl with curly brown hair and dark skin.

"Cassandra." I smiled at my friend before walking up to her and hugging her. "How are you?"

"I'm good; thank you for asking." She smiled. "What brings you here?"

"We need some books about spells," Elijah answered with a small smile painted on his lips.

their model • jeremy and tylerWhere stories live. Discover now