Coming Out

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P.O.V.        JOHN

Spring break is almost upon us here in New York, and every year on the first day of Spring Break, Maria throws a killer party to celebrate. And everyone was so excited to go. The entire school is invited so it doesn't even really matter if you where a nerd, athlete, or thug, everyone went. But I had more important things on my mind. I was going to come out to my dad.

My mom has already known I was gay for a long time, but I decided that I wouldn't tell my dad, because he wasn't exactly the most supportive man in the world. When kids at school started figuring out I was gay, I just told them I was Bisexual, which didn't get as much of a reaction as telling I was gay would've. So I planned to do the same with my father. Tell him I was Bi. Hopefully he would get it and just keep quiet since  I was pretending to at least be open to girls. Which I really wasn't.

Today at the end of the school day, I pulled Alex, Laf, and Hercules aside to tell them my plans. "So guys," I said. "You all already know how I'm uh.... Bi." They all raised their eyebrows. "Yeah?" Laf said suspiciously. "Well" I said, "Today I'm going to come out to my dad." I tried to gauge their reactions, but they all seem so different. Laf's face was grim and he didn't say a word. He just stared at the ground. "That's great man." Herc said smiling, though I couldn't tell if it was real. But Alex, man, Alex seemed happy. "That's fantastic, John!" He said smiling proudly. "You deserve to be free of hiding it." I nod and leave quickly, telling them that I had to use the bathroom. I never came back though.

Just walking through the front door, the knot in my stomach became ten times tighter. The air seemed thick, but maybe it was just in my head. I thought it was just in my head

. "Hey dad?" I called out. "Yes?" He called out sounding exasperated. "I need to talk to you." I told him. "Can it please wait? I have a lot of work to do." I swallowed sharply and with all my bravery said,"No dad, it can't wait. I need to tell you now." He stopped and stared at me for a moment before saying, "Just make it quick." I took a breath in then told him. Quick and To the point, like he wanted. "Dad, I'm bisexual." He didn't respond. "Dad?" I ask quietly.

"No your not." He told me. It was a statement, not a question. "Your either gay or your straight. Homo or Hetero. Choose one."

"Dad that is so not true! Plenty of people like both sexes!" I told him.

"Maybe so, but not you. Your gay, aren't you? I always suspected."


"Are you gay?"

"Dad seriously-"

"I told your mother, but she wouldn't listen. Are you for sure gay?"

"Dad, I mean-"


"Yes dad. I'm gay." I say quietly.

"Get out."

"What? Why?" I ask frantically.
"No son of mine will be a faggot! Not today, not ever!" He shouts at me.
"Dad, I'm the same person I was ten minutes ago!" I plea.
"Get out!" He screams at me.
"Please Dad I just wanted to tell you the truth!" I beg.
"GET OUT. NOW" He shouts at the top of his lungs.

And then I feel a burning in my cheek. He slapped me. My own dad. Slapped me right across my face. And all because I was gay.
I leave quickly, without turning back. Sobbing loudly, I pick up my phone and dial.

"Alex?" I sat into the receiver. "What is it John? What's wrong?" Alex asks me.

"Can you come pick me up?"


When I pulled up by the curb, I saw John sobbing his eyes out. He looked like he was in so much pain. "Oh my god John, are you alright?" I ask him. "H-he-he said.. said..." John sobbed. "Who John? Who said what?" I ask. "M-my Dad. H-He called me a... a.." John rambled. "Your dad called you what John? Tell me." I say. "A.. a..." He starts. "Please John, what did he say to you?" I ask again. "He called me a faggot! Then he slapped me and kicked me out and all because I'm gay." John finally said. My eyes widen with surprise. John always talked highly of his father, I didn't think he could be so awful. "Oh my god, John. Your dads a dick. Seriously you're so much better than that." I told him. "He won't even call me his son anymore. Kicked me out of my own house." John told me. "John that is awful." I say.  "You don't get it." John said. "Your straight, and don't understand how hard this is. No one gets it." I shake my head. "Yes I do! I totally get it John!" I reason with him. "No you can't. No one will ever judge your sexuality." John told me. "Dont you get it John?! I'm Bisexual. I'm into guys too! Your just braver than I am. You had the courage to tell people, and you are so amazing for that."

Taken aback, he just nods his head in silence.

Still sat on the curb, I put my arm around John and help him to the car. Then I drive us to my house. But John is obviously scared. "Alex." He tells me. "I have no where to go. Lafayette is an exchange student, Hercules stays in his shop. The sisters can't take me because-" "Seriously John?" I cut him off. "Did it ever even occur to you that you could stay with me?  where did you think I was driving now?" I ask him. He stays quiet for a moment then tells me, "Thanks Alex."

When we get to my house I tell him to stay in the car for a minute so I can let my grandma in on what's happening.
*yes I know he doesn't usually live with his grandma just deal with it for now

"Hey grams?" I call out from the doorway.
"Yes Alex?" She meets me at the door smiling. "I friend of mine is um... having a hard time and needs a place to stay. I was wondering if he could stay here?" I ask her. "Of coarse he can Alex." She tells me. "But we just don't have any extra space to spare. He'll have to stay in your room." "That's perfect, thank you." I thank her. "So when will he be here?" She asks me. "Now."

And with that, I go outside to the car to let John in. "Hey man," I say. "She's totally cool with it." He smiles grimly and says, "Thank you."

I walk him to my room after introducing him to my grandma saying, "We don't have a ton of extra space so you'll have to stay in my room. I'll get the blow up mattress and you can have the bed." He looks at me fiercely and tells me, "Alex, I'm not taking your bed. I'd be asking way to much if I came in here expecting your nice warm bed while you slept on the floor." I shake my head. "Your getting the bed Laurens." I tell him. "I seriously can't be that greedy." He responds. I look him dead in the eye and tell him then, "John, after the night you've had, I'd die before I'd let you sleep on the floor." He sighed and finally agreed to take the bed. I get the air mattress all set up, then go to bed and say, "Goodnight John." "Goodnight Alex."

Just as I was drifting off, I heard Laurens whisper, "Are still awake Alex?" "Mmmhmm" I respond. "Can you promise me something?" He asks me seriously. "Anything." I respond. "Don't tell anybody how my dad reacted. Especially not the sisters, they where so happy for me when I told them I'd finally come out once and for all. I don't want them to worry." And I'll admit, there was a slight hesitation before I finally replied. "I promise."

Ooooooooh shits about to go down. Get ready for some drama... ;)

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