Panic instantly fills my body.

"Ryan I have to go like right now." I say gathering my stuff and putting on my jacket.

I was so worried there was so much to do.

"I'm coming to get my keys, he says."


I go to the kitchen, and stay there for about a few seconds. I wasn't coming back out with keys . I already knew where it was.

"I can't find my keys," I say to Melanie with a fake worried expression.

I watch her face grow sad.

"What do you mean you can't find it. I have to meet hunter!  She says growing upset.

Melanie and I spent the next 10 minutes "looking" for my keys. Melanie sighed in frustration as she realized we weren't going to find them.

"Hunters going to be so angry." She says putting a hand on her head.

I kneel down I front of her.

"Mel, we are going to find those keys no matter what, I promise you." I said trying to calm her down.

"Where was the last place you saw them? She asked.

"On the kitchen counter." I answer. She begins to pout. We've looked there so many times." She sighs.

"We have to keep looking." She says getting up. I nod my head as she continues looking around. We look around for another 5 minutes.

That's when I decide it's enough, and time for the second part of my plan, so Melanie can miss whatever he had planned for them.

I quickly dig out the keys and quickly throw them underneath one of the boxes.

"I found them under the boxes!" I call out to Melanie.

She does a sigh of relief, and hurries out the door.

We get into the car, and I put the keys into the ignition. Only, for the car to not turn on.

I try a few more times and let out a fake frustrated breath.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Melanie exclaims angry.

I look over to Melanie and see that a tear has escaped her eye.

"Melanie, it's fine well get there some how."I  Reassure her.

I spent the next 5 minutes comforting Melanie. By the time that's over, I checked the time and Melanie was officially and hour and 15 minutes late for her date.

I fake gasped. "I always keep gas in the garage, let me run and get it." I say and hop out the car to get the "gas."

Once I fill up the "gas" I quickly turn the car on, and drive to Melanie's place.

Once we are close I checked the time and it was now an hour and 45 minutes late.

We were a few houses down when Melanie told me to stop right there. "I think it's for the best." She says.

I nod and act clueless to what she's trying to say when I know exactly what she's trying to say.

I pull off smiling knowing that I did my job.


I hopped out the car and took my phone out to try and dial hunter. I try and he doesn't pick up.

I speed walk to my house. Once I arrive, I stop when I see Hunter standing right at my door with an angry expression.

"Hunter, I'm so sorry I can-"

He puts a finger up to stop me from talking.

"I arrived here almost 2 hours ago.,  waiting for you to find out that your not even here? He says.

"Do you know how embarrassing it was to come here expecting  you, only to be greeted by your mom saying you're  not here?" He asks squinting his eyes at me.

"I'm really, really sorry Hunter." I said.

"Is that all you can say? Melanie I had a nice evening planned out for us to spend it together, only for you to blow it off?" He says looking me dead in the eye.

I look down feeling sad and angry at myself. How could I allow myself to miss our first REAL date.

I was doing something to help someone. And it wasn't even my fault.

"I have a good explanation to why I missed our date." I say to Hunter.

He gives me a look that shouts 'try me'

"I was on my way to come home, but then when we were on our way, we couldn't find the keys. We searched for so long to find its and when we finally found it, we ran out of gas. I got here as quick as possible. I really tried Hunter." I say with pleading eyes.

"Whose we?" Hunter asks.

"Me and Ryan." I nervously answered.

"You blew me off to hang out with Ryan? Hunter asks getting all worked up again.

I shook my head. "Its not like that. His sister's birthday is soon, he had no one to help him plan her party so I helped him and we lost track of time. That's it." I answer truthfully.

He nods his head. "Okay."

"If there is anyway to make it up to you, I promise I will. I just don't want this to be a problem with us, and create this tension." I say.

"Okay there's something you could do." He says.

"What is it? I ask.

"I want you to stay away from Ryan. Cut all ties with him."

I look up at him in shock.




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