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"Hngghh. So the SeokSoon couple finally met~" Seungkwan teased when the tension began to rise. He didn't want to see live fighting right now. He sees Sunhee glare at him for a moment and he turned silent. This meeting. . . is awkward.

Jun let out a couple of coughs before he sits beside Seokmin, looking away in an instant. The talkative male suddenly lets out a snicker, this is even awkward than his meeting with Hansol, the chinchilla is easy to talk to, so he didn't have any problems with it. Plus, they have a lot of things in common and Hansol asks him questions a lot and he answers them all without a second thought.

And Soonyoung. . . everyone knows he has a pale complexion, but everyone could tell how his face looked entirely too pale. You wouldn't even see the color on his cheeks (that he always has).

It didn't help that. . . that guy is in front of him! said Soonyoung to himself in thought.

Just looking at Seokmin's face made him think about all those nights where he will ask permission to use Sunhee's phone and dig around for information and staring at the guy's beautiful face. His cheeks grew a red color up to his ears, he could feel the warmth spreading through his entire body and the butterflies (read: an entire fucking zoo) on his stomach. So those butterflies things. . . this is what it felt like?

It isn't a good feeling like people said so! It's. . . it's making me puke!

And in a flash, Soonyoung abandoned his place and ran to the house to puke the contents in his stomach. When he arrived at the nearest bathroom, he threw himself down on his knees and gripped the toilet bowl in a tight way, not caring about how it has many germs like his noona said. He can remember the disgust in Sunhee's face back then.

He feels so embarrassed now, thought Soonyoung, looking so tired like he haven't slept for weeks.



Seokmin couldn't help but feel. . . really nervous. Well not really really nervous but. . . ugh. When he sat in front of the hybrid. . . Soonyoung. . . he can't stop staring at him. And he's actually hoping that the older male didn't notice. And he saw those subtle and quiet glances in his peripheral vision. He probably caught Soonyoung two times.

Although his sister looked scary all of a sudden (he doesn't know why), he didn't care. Seokmin's surprised that he didn't sneeze or something. It started with a few minutes of Sunhee eating, and Jun taking a bite from it when he asks for it. Seungkwan was texting someone on his phone after his endless teasing a few minutes ago, and judging from his cute and loving expression, he's probably talking to Hansol. It's odd to see him quiet. He looked at everyone discreetly, and he noticed Soonyoung clutching his stomach and letting out small whimpers, ears flat on his head and unusually pale. He got worried of course, but he didn't want to show it.

One thing's for sure.

He was breathless. . . not because of the allergies. . . but because of something else. . .

Eventually, he got snapped out of his thoughts when Soonyoung suddenly
arose from his chair, running with speed to the house. Everybody exchanged confused looks, Sunhee looked worried the most and followed Soonyoung, the rest doing the same as well after a minute until Seokmkn was the only left on the front yard, staring at the two empty plates in front of him and heaving a sigh.



“You okay, Soonyoung-ah? Why did you puke, huh? Is your food not allowed for you?”

Ears pointing down in gloom, he gulped down the bottle of water noona gave him and gives it back to her, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Soonyoung saw Seungkwan abandon his phone and place it on the table near where they are and ask him if he was okay, Jun looked worried when he caught a whiff of his scent, his lips adorned with a frown.

He cleared his throat. “It's okay, Sunhee-noona. I was just. . . nervous.

Sunhee's eyebrows raise both in concern and confusion, what did Soonyoung say? She didn't hear anything about the n something. “You're what?”

“Yah, noona. Leave the kid alone. He's probably just tired.” Seokmin butted in, chuckling quietly (he does NOT want to be teased again) at the sudden jump Soonyoung did when he talked without warning. The cat hybrid snorted once the atmosphere was wrapped tightly around in silence when the tan male appeared and crossed his arms. “You call him a 'kid' like you're older than him you punk.”

The tan male sent him an apologetic glance, which the cat smirked at and pointed at Soonyoung. “You should be apologizing to him.” Seokmin looked like he will enjoy punching the cheshire grin on Jun's mouth. He noticed the freckles that was placed delicately on the hamster's cheekbones, looking like he'll puke for the second round. “Ah, Soonyoung-hyung. Sor-ry.”

He glared at the rest of them when they laughed out loud at the crack on his voice. In return, he crossed his arms and sat on the couch where all of them crowded in. Soonyoung was at the far end of the couch accompanied by Sunhee sitting beside him while Seokmin sat at the other end of the couch, Seungkwan beside him and Jun in the middle.

Sighing in defeat, he watches them watch on the television while joking around, both lads staring at the object like it has no importance.



“Oh wow thanks a lot for separating them.” -readers

“Well I'm sorry! It doesn't mean that they have to sit on each other's lap already, and besides they aren't that close. . .yet. ;))))” -me with lenny face.

I decided to update today too 'cause it's been so long since I updated Allergies and I think you guys waited long enough (if you really did cOUGHs).

Oh and I update every week. And if I don't, I'll give you double updates. aND IF I DON'T WELL THREATEN ME. 😂😂

I'll do my best and finish this book for you guys. And to the one reading this, you are my motivation. People reading my works are my inspiration too. I'll be back on track if you cheer me up all of a sudden tbh 😂

Okay then this is getting too long. Anyways~ goodbye~ 😘💓

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