truth or dare/ Levi x male reader part 1

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(M/N) pov)

I was sitting with my friends in the mess hall. As usual. Eren and Jean was fighting again. As usual. Because Eren called Jean a horse face. Hanji was talking to her self. AGAIN! as usual. 

I looked around the mass hall, I was tying to find the captain which is Levi but he wouldn't there. I know I had a crush on him since I first laid my eyes on him. I think he would never feel the same way about me. I'm only a cadet, he probably doesn't even know I exist. 

A small sigh escapes my lips as I think about him, his soft raven hair, his silver cold eyes that make you shiver up your spine and blood run cold, how perfect he is and the way he looks at people. 

I suddenly jump when someone touches my shoulders. I turn my head over my shoulder and see Hanji with a evilly smirk.


"You were thinking about him again won't you" she mocks. I looked at her shocked and then looked down ashamed. "W-hy did y-ou kn-ow?" I say stuttering feeling nervous all over me all of a sudden.

"Your face is bright red" 

My face heat more. "No I don't" I say quietly in complete embarrassment not daring to look at her. She laughs lord enough to have everyone's attention to look at us. She pulled out a mirror out of her pocket and shoved it in my face. 

I look at myself in the mirror that I was indeed blushing. I buried my head in my hands making Hanji laugh once again. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?" I shouted feeling my face burn. She stooped laughing and looked deeply into my bright blue ones into her bright hazel ones. "Come on M/N , everybody knows that you have a crush on Levi" she says making everybody to come closer to us.

"No I don't

"Yes you do"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do"







"I SAID NO ALREADY" I screamed making Hanji jump back and making everyone look at me wide eyes. I looked right back at them feeling full of rages filling my body. I was about to say something but I was rudely interrupted by the one that I didn't want to see right now.  


Well shit

(402 words)

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