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That afternoon, Lena, Stef and I all piled in the car. We drove 30 minutes to where Callie was. We had to go through metal detectors AND get patted down before even checking in. It was kinda scary.... I couldn't imagine being in here.

Stef checked us in and we were led to a room where she would meet us. It was dark and cold..... Just think of what the holding cells. The thought made me cringe.

I heard a knock on the door. It opened and a guard came in with my sister. I sighed in relief.

She looked physically fine, but tired. I got up and ran into her arms. When I pulled away, Callie looked at Stef and Lena. She gave them a weird look.

We sat at a table together.
"Are you okay baby?" She asked.
I knew the right thing to say was yes, and she already felt bad enough.
"Oh..... Uh, yeah. I just wanted to see you." I lied.
"Okay." She smiled.
We sat there for awhile. I told her about the doctors appointment, and what was going to happen. She held my hand and told me it was great that I was getting help.

I was looking down, and obviously upset when Callie noticed.
"Hey," Callie said. "What's wrong?"
I looked up.
"Why did you run?" I whispered it, so Stef and Lena wouldn't hear.
She sighed. "I was scared I guess.... Scared I was going to mess everything up for you. And.... You deserve to be happy."
"But Callie," I sniffed. "I'm not happy."
"Hey, I-I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Don't be mad at me."
"I'm not mad.... I'm just..... I just miss you." I said, letting a tear fall. "I need you Cals." I rarely call her that.... Only if something is wrong.
"I'm so sorry!" She cried.

"Alright, times up girls." The security guard said as he came back in.
I hid my tear filled eyes, knowing I had to spend another night alone.
"I love you." Callie said, hugging me and kissing my forehead.
"I love you too." I could barely get it out .

"Stef...." Callie said. Stef and Lena both looked up. "Please, I know I messed up.... But don't send her away. Keep her safe with you." She pleaded.
"You will be home soon baby..... I promise." Stef said.
"I'm so sorry." Callie cried as Stef gave her a hug goodbye.
"It's alright, we understand." Stef wiped her tears, and the guard took Callie's arm.

I watched her be led away. She looked back at me. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. When we met eyes, she looked away.
"Are you ready honey?" Stef asked grabbing her purse.
I turned around and looked at her. My eyes were filled with new tears.
"Oh, baby." She said sympathetically as she rushed to me. I started to cry harder, and she scooped me into a hug and led me out to the car.

The rest of the day, I sat in my room. I looked at pictures of my sister and I for the hundredth time. I was so out of it, that I didn't even hear Mariana call me for dinner.
"Taylor," Mariana opened the door, and it startled me a bit. "Sorry..... It's time for dinner. And mom said she was going to help you change your bandages."
"Okay." I tried to sound sincere..... But God knows it was a big lie.

Stef helped me before I went to the table. For dinner we were having a simple soup and sandwich night. It was my favorite because you got to pick what you wanted on your sandwich. I liked making decisions that weren't mistakes.

"So Taylor," Lena started. "I called the judge and we set a court date."
"For Jet?" I asked nervously.
"Oh, no. He won't be for awhile. It's for Callie." Stef answered quickly.
"Oh.... When is it?"
"Two weeks, after your operation." Lena sighed.
"Wait..... Callie is going to miss it?" My throat started to close.
"I'm sorry sweetheart.... We tried." Lena said.
I nodded and got up.
"Taylor," Lena called.
"No, I'm fine..... I just need a minute." I said, going to the backyard where I stayed until Mariana practically pulled me inside.

The next two weeks went by dreadfully. I cried every morning when I woke up, and every night when I went to bed because I knew that was one more day I missed my sister.

The night before my operation, all I could think about was that after tomorrow, I got to see Callie again. I couldn't barely wait.

I was brushing my teeth when Mariana came into the bathroom. She got her toothbrush and toothpaste as well.
She turned quickly to me.
"Do you want to sleep in my room tonight? I mean..... It must be pretty lonely in there all by yourself." She asked nervously.
"Oh..... I don't know. I don't think Callie....." I stopped myself. "Sure, thanks."

I grabbed all of my blankets, and changed into my pajamas. Then I headed to Mariana's room.
I knocked on her door and heard a come in. She was sitting at her desk, brushing her hair. I put my blankets on the floor and started to spread them out on to be a bed. At least her floor was carpet.
"Uh, no way. You are not sleeping on the floor!" She said turning around.
"Oh...." I said confused. "Then were am I going to sleep?"
"With me on my bed.... Duh." Sh laughed a little.
I got all of the blankets and got in her bed. It was super soft and comfortable.

"So how's Callie?" Mariana asked casually.
"Oh, uh she's..... She's good." I lied.
"How about you? Are you okay? I know this has been hard."
"I'm fine." I said too quickly.
"I know that's not true. You can tell me anything..... I promise." She said. "I've always wanted to have a little sister like you to talk with."
I sighed. "She thought that if she left..... Then it would make my life easier..... But it's only filled it with more sadness and betrayal." A tear slid down my cheek.
"Hey," Mariana said coming to me. "It's okay..... I'm here for you."
"I know it will be OKAY eventually..... But I just miss Callie so, so much." I sniffed.
"It's okay." She said pulling me close to her chest and laying down.
"I don't understand- I don't. It hurts so bad Mari..... It hurts so bad!" I cried as she stroked my hair.
"Taylor, Callie loves you, you know that. She would never do anything to hurt you on purpose. Mariana reassured me.
I nodded in agreement. Callie would never try to hurt me.
"We should probably go to bed.... Big day tomorrow." Mariana said.

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