Chapter 9 - Europe

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Finally, his last pit stop was Europe7.

It is the second smallest continent on planet earth after Australia.

Still, it remains the third largest by the amount of people living within its land.

His journey was approaching its end. Historic Cardiff in Wales (Cymru) was his final port of call.

Bute Park was lovely and provided the sort of outdoor space he needed to think and to reflect. Although people came and went, he could hear the birds twittering in the trees. He'll often notice dashes of harmless chasing flights between male birds and their female accomplices. Some carried on with flight, some returned to the trees.

Did he make the right decision against his mother's wish? He was adamant he did.

He sat out by himself in the Secret Garden Café. His fingers nursed his nice cup of fresh coffee on his table. It was peaceful with abundance of nature all around him.

Even so, two young girls sat to the right of his table. They looked over as he raised his cup to his lips. The bold one winked at him and he said hello!

He couldn't help but notice the people here were happier, friendlier. They want to know who's next door.

"Are you by yourself?" said the bold one. She must have been his age, but carried herself as if she knew why the sky's blue.

"Who's asking?" Edan replied.

"My friend here was wondering if you want to come to our party tonight."

Edan smiled. Her friend was terribly shy she couldn't look in his direction.

"That's very kind of you. I would love to ladies, but sadly I'm undercover tonight."

The bold one swung around in her seat facing him.

"Really? She said, intrigued.

Edan nodded gently.

"May I ask why?"

"Can't tell you. It's top secret."

She weighed-up his statement trying to determine whether he was lying.

"But you look very young?"

"You may think so, but my assignment has nothing to do with age."

She believed him. His answer made sense. And then she looked to her friend still sitting quietly and said to her; "shame he can't come. He's a hot undercover cop."

Edan nearly burst out laughing. But didn't. The expression on her face was priceless.

Genuinely, he was on a mission.

Not exactly undercover by any stretch of imagination, but nonetheless a mission.

It was a good joke that put a smile on his face while he considered his next move.

A fast thought rushed through his mind. What if he was unable to find the girl in his dream?

He finished his drink and politely excused himself from the girls.

There was no room for doubts. His job was not over. Not yet.

He could not quit now. Not until the best possible result has been achieved.

The River Taff flowed to his right.

He decided on a lone leisurely walk along its bank until he heard voices behind him.

He turned around and caught site of a young girl with glowing red hair.

She stood in the middle of about fifteen nursery school children tucked in yellow visibility jackets.

EDAN'S DREAMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora