Chapter 5 - North America

Start from the beginning

As it happens, it comes naturally to him without effort. And better still, with huge responsibility to be polite at all times.

He cleared his throat in readiness to speak, but the girl jumped in first.

"Hey Joey? Welcome to Broadway," she said excitedly in that smooth fluency of American accent with its Deep South twang.

Her smile made her face look wider and eyes bigger.

Something else stood out that couldn't have been missed. Her green eyebrows.

They were a reminder of a picture of an early Egyptian face painting he'd seen at the museum of antiquities.

And then, he noticed her unusually glossy white teeth.

"Edan, not Joey," he quickly corrected, expecting an apology.

"Same thing," she replied.

"Not the same," Edan emphasized.

She ran a ring about him twice in her roller skates, grinding to a halt right beside him.

Then she blew air into the gum she must have been chewing for hours on end.

It gradually grew bigger and bigger into a large gummy bubble and then – popped.

"They're boys' names – same thing, right?" she said carelessly after managing to claw back the burst pieces into her mouth.

"Not the same. It's Edan," he insisted.

"Whatever!" She replied impatiently.

The flirty smile faded away.

In its place was pure aggressive rudeness.

"Anyway," she said dismissively, "tickets are extremely cheap and available. They would not be for too long soon. So, my offer is for this minute. It's one night only.

How many do you want, I dare ask?"

Edan sighed gravely.

With such foolhardy and arrogant attitude, there was no way he would ever consider buying anything from this moron. Not even if she were the last female occupant on a burning planet earth selling the last bag of oxygen.

He was disappointed.

How could anyone be so terribly lacking in what he believed was basic manners of niceties and politeness?

Yes, she was attractively looking. But all the charm of her face was worth little to him without any good manners.

It made him wonder rather sadly why some parents hazard not to teach their children the wonderful benefits of being graciously polite to others. It's priceless!

Still, in declining whatever she was offering and despite how cheap they may seem Edan remained gracious and polite.

He had to continue on his mission that has brought him so far.

He could have sworn he had seen her somewhere before, but obviously not.

Her bleached white teeth effect, could it be what dazzled him most?

Maybe. But not anymore! How weird!

Edan was initially upset with himself for having been played for a mug.

How could he have been so immature?

On a second thought, he decided it wasn't actually his fault.

He would cut himself a little bit of slack and not be so uptight about it.

After all, there's no undoing what's done.

He must have been mesmerized by how white her teeth shone.

He couldn't have known she was also a cleaver pick pocket until after the event.

He appreciates that things do sometimes go wrong when least unexpected. This time it actually did.

But in the midst of all the craziness of what had happened, he'd come to realize one special something. The beauty of growing up was probably the ability to contain mistakes already made.

To learn from experiences of oneself and others while striving not to repeat them.

At the same time, to get things done even when no one is ever so confident.

He obviously believed that she was the girl of his dream.

How wrong he was.

Everyone all over the world does have a carbon copy of themselves. Like a twin brother or sister in different countries and time zones who would never meet.

It is absolutely a remarkable thing.

The possibility that every human being has a clone relative somewhere on the planet is mind-blowing. It is similar to witnessing some of the various organisms that inhabit the very deep of great ocean beds.

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