Chapter 1

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"DAMN IT!" I yell running out of my house. I shot like a bullet past 5 people and took tons of shortcuts to my new school.

Hello. My name is Sanae Konomi and I'll be attending Honan Academy. I'm 15 years old and specifically came for Stride.

Stride is my calling. I need it to survive.(way to put dramatically) I love running so much I would run to school.

That wasn't my plan for today...I actually wanted to take the bus but little ol' me woke up late. "What a way to start off the year!" I say cutting through the park.

I have light brown skin and violet eyes. I dyed my hair royal purple and had them in twin tails. And I also made slight modifications to my uniform...for...uh...running purposes.

"Damn you river." I say walking up to a shortcut. I front flipped onto the tree branch on the other side of the river.

I always loved stride ever since I was younger and was super stoked when it came back. In that case the relationer was a girl named Nana Sakurai. Which was awesome cause she was the first girl relationer.

You see, I don't wanna just be the relationer. I want to participate and get my hands dirty. To be able to compete in the "End of Summer Tournament" Has been a dream ever since I saw Honan run.

They all felt looked like they were actually a part of a team. And I have the honor to go to school with five of them on the team. Two of them left for college.

I finally made to the school but the gate was closed. "Ughh." I groan as I facepalm myself. "Not again!" Another voice yells. A boy with blonde hair ran at full speed and hopped the gate. "That can't be..." I said getting excited. I threw my shoulder bag over the gate and looked at the low brick wall next to it.

"Here goes nothing..." I say as I somersault over the wall. I landed on my feet but was off balance. "Daaannng." I say kicking a rock. "Why are you upset? That was AMAZING!" The blonde boy says clapping his hands. "No way! Your Riku!" I say dusting myself off. "Yes I am." Riku says grinning.

"I'm a second year now." Riku says as we enter the building. He opened the door for me and I stupidly blush.(great thing he didn't see it though🎶)

"So what brings you to Honan?" Riku says grinning. "The school looked very nice, plus I wanna stride." I say using my hands to emphasize.

"Wow awesome! I hope they let you in..." Riku says his tone changing. "What do you mean? I ask my tone changing.

" had a girl strider before." Riku says scratching his head. "No offense." Riku says changing his tone again. "None taken. I'll be the first!" I say smiling proudly.

"The stride team changed ever since Kyosuke and Heath left..." Riku says showing me posters. "That guy on the far left is Rikichi Nagisa" Riku says pointing to a guy with green eyes and red hair. "He looks like a jerk." I say changing my face expression.

"You sure are bold...what's your name." Riku asks extending his hand. "Sanae." I say shaking his hand.

After that talk I went to my class. Looks like they were filling out club sheets. "Here you go..." A small girl with short red hair and glasses says handing me a club sheet.

"Thank you." I say smiling. "You can sit next to me if you want." The red hair girl says pointing to two empty seats. "My name is Suzue Nagisa." She says looking at the ground. "I'm Sanae, nice to meet you." I say taking a seat with her. No questions asked I filled out Stride. Suzue peeked at my paper. "That's not a great idea..." Suzue says with concern in her voice. "What do you mean?" I say smiling.

"Safety Rikichi Nagisa is a shark..." Suzue says with anger in her voice. "No way...your related to him!" I say putting pieces together. "I just thought the last name was a coincidence." I say with a laugh.

"I wish I wasn't...don't speak of this to anyone." Suzue says glaring at me. "Your secret is kept with me..." I say tapping my chest. At this point I still didn't know why it would be difficult for me to join the stride club...if only I knew what was going to unfold...

And that was the end of chapter one. Hope you guys are enjoying Prince of Stride: New Leap. The idea of Prince of Stride isn't my own but I wish it was. I only created the storyline and 4 new characters to the mix. Be on the lookout for chapter 3 and 4 because Im posting them together.

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