Chapter 10. The Undertaker

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~Sebastian POV~
After what happened in the manor I was now holding Cathrea in my arms while taking her to Undertaker. He was going to be pissed, I can see it already. He told me to protect her and yet her she is passed out. This is one long night. When I reached Undertaker's shop here in Locklin, I busted down the door. I didn't see him but knew he was near, I laid her down on top of a coffin and that's when he came. His eyes instantly went on her, they read shock and worry. Then they looked at me, they now read anger and intent to kill.

"What happened?" He asked while clenching his teeth.

"The manor was attacked and she fought some woman named Emilea." I explained most of it. Undertaker was surprised to hear that name.

"Emilea? Why after all this time is she now trying to hurt her?" He asked himself as he moved towards Cathrea. She was still unconscious but never the less still beautiful. "Sebastian go over and grabbed the jar with the cat face on it." He said and I did. I grabbed the jar, finding it funny that there was indeed a cat face on it.

I handed it to him, he opened it and grabbed a small amount of something. He held what looked like dried grass in his hand, holding it slightly near her nose. I saw it twitch and her eyes opened. She slowly say up, Undertaker helped her. She then took the jar from him and sniff it. She slowly laid back down still having her nose to the opening. I gave him a questioning look.

"It's Cat Nip." He said with a smile. I watched as she started to roll around on top of the coffin. Like a cat that sniff nip, she was slowly going crazy. I held in my laughter as best I could but it got out. She changed her form into a tiny black cat or a puff ball. She started to run around the shop. Undertaker started laughing harder while watching. "Nip is her one weakness. I love watching her on it too. So Sebastian tell me, why your master is not with you?" He asked me, I looked at him while watching Cathrea out of the corner of my eye.

"Lord Rino said that he wanted me to bring her here. While he and Ciel went to see some man named Jones." I told him, he seemed to frown from that name.

"Well they'll be here soon. So it's up to you." He said walking to away.

"For me to do what?" I asked him.

"To change her back." He said giggling as he walked away. Knowing that this wasn't going to end well, for me that is.

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