Chapter 12

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????'s P.O.V

Is that him?

It has to be.....No one else wears a mask like that.

I look over to him, brushing past all the people in the club, to get a better view of him.

I smile, he hasn't changed in years. Still got that messy, chocolate brown bangs, that I tell him to cut, all the time.

I haven't seen him, since.....Since.......

I smile. Oh Cry. How I've missed you!

Cry's P.O.V

Mad took me to some club. I have no idea why. He said he has a surprise for me. But his surprises never turn out well. I remember last Christmas when he said he had a surprise and it was a cherry pie. I hate cherry pie. And he knows that!

They started playing 'Criminal~ Britney Spears'. One of my favourite songs. As a random girl, with long, blonde locks that went down to her mid-back, walked over to me, she had bright black eyes that sparkled in the lights. Wait black?!

I've seen her before "Hello, Cry" She whispered softly, smiling.

"I-It's you" I gasped, hugging her tightly. "I missed you" I mumbled into her hair, breathing in, smelling the scent of it. Strawberries and cream. My favourite.

Felix's P.O.V (Short)

Mad was going to attack Cry, but I hit him softly, and held him back "Patience boys....All good things come for those who wait"

Sorry this one is kinda shitty.....Later ~MarshieCry

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