Chapter 7 Date, Stories and secrets of the past

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New chapter.. Woo-hoo!
BTW the accounts here are actually real

They're my accounts.. Please do follow 👆
Thanks 💙

Daya's POV

'U look great' Daya' Kenny told me

'Thanks' I smiled sheepishly

So Kenny and I made up
I mean who can stay mad at their best friend

'Let's take pics and post on instagram'
'Pleasssseeeee' Kenny begged

'Fine' I said dully

We took several pics of ourselves and posted a really cute one on my instagram account
             *Cough* mix_ify *cough*

We heard a horn.. Probably Aaron
I rushed downstairs in my black heels
I opened the door to see a very handsome Aaron Diaz

His midnight black hair.. Fell on his face
He was dressed in black #sia

And he was holding my favorite flowers.. Orchids

'U done checking me out' Cause I know I'm done..he wolf whistled then smirked

'Yes I'm done' I smirked

'Good' These are for u.. He handed me the orchids

'They smell amazing' Thank you.. I kissed his cheek

Woah where the heck did that come from

'Ur welcome' he blushed lightly

'Shall we' he took my hand

'We shall' I said

We both laughed
He was a total gentleman.. He opened the door for me and everything

He drove us to a hill side with a lake..
It was the most beautiful place I've ever seen
They were candles lit up everywhere, flowers of all kind, and a beautiful set up dinner with cola and ice cubes

I'm guessing Aaron didn't want me to get drunk.. I laughed mentally

'U like' he asked

'This is amazing' I gasped

'Yeah I know' he blushed
Come with me.. He held my hand and led the way

We sat down on a red clothe surrounded by flowers🌸🌺🌼🌷

'So wanna eat'

'Yess' This smells good.. I answered

'You know I cooked this all by myself'

'Oh really' All because of me.. I smirked

'Yupp all because of u' he smiled

Aww this is so romantic.. Ughh I wanna kiss that beautiful lips of yours Aaron fudging Diaz

'Now let's eat'

We ate spaghetti and meatballs with some garlic bread.. It was delicious asf 😋

'Yum this is delicious' I said

'Yeah I know' I'm a really good cook.. he said dusting the invisible dirt on his shoulders

I laugh... 'Sure u are'

We were done eating now and we were sitting down, leaning on a tree,Talking..

'You know' Millie asked me a question yesterday' he said laughing

'What'd she ask'

'She asked what 'sex' means..

I gasped and started choking

Daya/Aaron ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ