Very Quick and Very Brief

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Hello my lovely Signers! I hope you're doing AMAZING wherever you are. First I would like to apologize for my lack of activity during this week, school has had me busy and I'm sure most of you will relate. But, I just created an account on this website where you can anonymously send messages to other people to either just leave them a positive message, or constructive criticism. So, what I was thinking is that if you ever have any questions or you would like me to improve in a certain area, you could leave me a message over there. I will link my page down below, so you are free to tell me absolutely WHATEVER you want. 

Though, please try not to write negative things. I KNOW it's a free country and all, but at this point I don't know if to you I'm that mean and deserve hate comments lol. Do I? What do you think? Always keep in mind that my intentions are solely to help you and many others learn a little bit more about the amazing language that is: ASL. 

The link to my page is:

Send me messages to either ask about anything you have doubts with or positive constructive criticism to help me improve the book, or to let me know if I am doing something wrong. Perhaps you can leave me suggestions of songs you would like for me to translate in Sign Language and then do a tutorial to show you how I did it. I must warn you though, that my signing style is just like the one TheDailySign uses, so if you would like to keep going with your learning the same way Libbey would teach, then I'm your girl lol. 

Anyway, I love you all and I hope you have a great day/night. 

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