The New Girl (Chapter 1) :: Hidan Fan fic

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I growled annoyed as I walked with my new partner. I wish he'd just shut the hell up. Maybe being alone was better then this?

"What the fuck is your problem?" He asked.
"You're annoying. All you do is complain and whine." I told him.
"I don't fucking whine!" He shouted.
"Yes. You do. A lot."
"Whatever. We're almost back at the base anyway." He said as he quickened his pace so he was ahead of me. I sighed. I suppose arguing is better then silence, I thought.

When we got to the base we went to the leaders office to tell him of our successful mission.

"Well, done you two. You are both dismissed." He said and we bowed then left without saying a word to each other. It was weird being around someone else who was immortal as well. Granted he was immortal for a different reason. I'm the last of my clan so obviously I can die but its not easy to do. He's seems to get his immortality from his god.

"Avory!" I heard and turned my head. It was that blonde kid.

"Hi. . . Ummm"

"Deidara." He said.

"Right. Sorry. It's hard to remember everyone's names."

"Dont worry about it,un. How was your first mission?"

"It was okay I guess. There was lots of whining and arguing."

"Yeah. Hidan is like that,un. I'd say you get used to it but that's not really true." He said with a smile.

"Well I appreciate the honesty."

"Sure. Just wanted to let you know there pizza in the kitchen if you're hungry. I have to go get ready for my mission,un."

"Thanks." I said as he smiled and walked away. For an S-ranked criminal he sure is nice.

I walked toward the kitchen to get a slice of pizza since I didn't eat at all that day.

"Hey newbie." I heard and looked over to see the blue guy. Kisame I think he name was.

"Hi." I said and grabbed a slice.

"How was the first mission?"

"Good" I said taking a bite. I wasn't in the mood for conversation.

"That's good. Watch out for Hidan though. He's one sick individual." he said and put his hand on my shoulder. "Good luck."

"Thanks." I said nervously as he walked away. Living with people is going to take some getting used to. That's for sure.

The next day I was sitting in the living room reading a book trying to pass the time when I heard yelling. Curiosity got the best of me and I placed my book down to see what was going on.

"Why do I have to be stuck with the fucking new girl?!" I heard coming from Peins office. I sat down on one side of the door and closed my eyes. I felt part of me leave as my consciousness went into the office leaving my body where it was. I saw Hidan and Pein arguing.
"You are both immortal. You know that." Pein said writing on some papers.
"But a fucking girl?! What about Kakuzu?!" hidan shouted.
"Kakuzu is enjoying the 'peace and quiet'."
"Well fuck the old man. I can do the damn missions my self."
"You know the rules. Two man teams."
"Yeah. Men. I can't believe you stick me with that inferior fucking being." Hidan said with a growl making Pein roll his eyes.
"Hidan. You don't even know her. You may end up liking her." Pein said bit really think about his wording.
"Like?! yeah fucking right."
"This discussion is over Hidan. And don't forget you and Avory have a mission tomorrow." he said waving him out.
"What the fuck ever prick." Hidan said and turned to leave.

I brought my consciousness back and stood up and started to walk past the door as it opened. Hidan and I made contact and he scowled at me and I glared back.
"Don't fucking look at me." He said annoyed.
"Same goes for you." I said he growled and pushed me against the wall.
"Just leave me the fuck alone and we should 'get along' just fine." he said getting closer.


Of corse Hidan was trying to intimidate her as he towered over her small frame. All of a sudden her already strange eyes started to glow.
"The fu-" he said being cut off by feeling intense pain in his gut. He looked down and saw his insides coming out. "Shit." he said as he felt the pain. He had never had his organs taken out before and the pain brought him to his knees. This must be the main reasons Pein wanted her in the organization.


I blinked a few times then looked in front of me to see Hidan on the floor. Uh-oh.
"Hidan?" I asked as I knelt down but he didn't answer. He can't be dead can he?
"What the fuck was that!?" he asked as he held his organs in his abdomen.
"It just kind of happens when I feel threatened. " I told him. "Are you okay?" I asked him.
"Aside from the fucking horrible pain, yea." he said as he looked up at me. "Why do you care?"
"I don't. I just don't want Pein to be mad at me." I said and stood up. He got up as well and moved his hand showing his now healed gut. He must have noticed me starring because he said
"I'm fucking immortal. Remember?"
"Yeah but, you heal so fast." I said sort of amazed. It takes me a while to heal, he healed in less then A minute.
"That's one of the perks of being a Jashinist." he said. I knew he worshiped some sort of god.
"And that is?" I asked. He seemed surprised I actually asked about it.
"It's a religion of murder,pain,sex and rituals. I get my immortality from Lord Jashin." he said holding a the necklace he had around his neck. At least he respects something I thought.
"Sounds violent." I said.
"No more violent then pulling my fucking insides out." he said.
"Sorry, I don't really have control of that." I said rubbing the back of my head. He looked down at me and I tried to avoid eye contact.
"We have a mission tomorrow. Don't be late. Meet me in the living room in the morning." he said and quickly walked away. I cocked my head and just turned and started toward my room. That was weird.


How about 5 votes until I post the next chapter?

Hope you guys liked it. I missed writing actual stories and I have some sick obsession with Hidan. Don't tell my husband but if Hidan was real I'd sacrifice him to Jashin and marry Hidan :-P

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