Chapter 10: Different Demons

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As a sleeping Justin was placed into the back of a police cruiser with silver wire mesh separating him from the officers, Natalie broke down. She cried and Justin moaned in an uneasy but deep sleep. As Natalie was walked down to another cruiser, she stopped and looked back at the hotel one last time. Her bags were loaded into the trunk and, at her request, Fawn's bags too. She wanted to keep something of Fawn's to remember her by.

Officer Sean

I glanced at the sleeping vampire nervously behind us as I drove. I was a newbie and everyone knew it. This was the first time I had dealt with a vampire hand to hand, and I guess it was only natural for me to feel like this. "How old do you think he is?" I asked my partner Caleb. He had been here for four more years than me and was much more experienced. He looked at the vamp for a couple of minutes in silence. "I'd saaaaaayy.... around 500. Did you hear the way he talked? 'Stop this, what is the meaning of this?'" he mocked his accent and laughed. I laughed too. "That is NOT how I talk." a low voice growled, and we both stiffened. "Oh shit!" I hissed. "How the hell could he have woken up so quickly? We dosed him with 500 grams of sleeping medicine!" "I can hear you, you know." Vampie smirked. "Ignore him!" Caleb hissed. So we did.

I kept glancing at him, not trusting the thick leather chains that bound him. He met my eye in the mirror and winked. I slammed hard on the brakes and we screeched to a stop. "What the fuck man?" Caleb yelled as we were all thrown forward. I unclipped my seatbelt and twisted around to face the vampire. "I-I can see you in the mirror! How can I see you in the mirror? That's impossible!" He raised his eyebrows. "I'm magic," he said sarcastically, and rolled his eyes. "That's a myth you imbecile! Good Lord, but what could I have expected from a mere commoner such as yourself?" he laughed and his hair fell off. He stopped laughing. "Oh bother," he said, and tried to pick it up and put it on, but couldn't because he was bound. I stared at his light brown hair. I got out of the car and opened his door. "Sean what the fuck are you doing? Do NOT let him out!" Caleb shouted. The vampire watched me with cool green eyes. I reached out towards his face, and he snapped playfully at my hands. I yanked my hands back. "Tut tut, didn't your mother teach you not to put your hands in a vampire's mouth?" he asked and laughed spitefully. "Sean I thought you weren't completely stupid! Get back here ! now! Get away from him!" I ignored him and reached out and grabbed his contacts out. He yelped and flinched away, but it was too late. The green contacts lay in my palm and I stared at his caramel brown eyes. "Shit," I muttered, before a truck slammed into our car and I was launched for the second time in a matter of minutes into Justin Loghan, and everything went black.

I woke up with a killer headache and a heavy weight on top of me. I felt cool breath on my neck and my eyes snapped open. Justin was on top of me, grinning at me with way way WAY too many teeth. "No Justin please!" I moaned, squirming underneath him. He smiled even wider. "Hmm, let me think. How about no." and with that he buried his teeth into my neck, and I screamed. My head was pushed to the side and I saw Caleb lying dead I the front seat. He was covered in blood and his hand hung limply towards me, dripping blood. I screamed until everything went black.

Justin/ Ralph

I drank from him until there was nothing else, then climbed out of the car and I looked up to meet the eyes of a dog. I hissed at it, and it whined and ran off. I laughed and ran off towards my coven. On the way there I danced to music no one else could hear. It was a game I played. I would dance and if someone looked at me weirdly I would eat them. It was my favourite game. Sadly, no one was out on the streets. Damn curfew! I ran up to my room once I was inside and went to my wardrobe, opening it and looking through my clothes. I was going out tonight. I pulled a black button up shirt, a black tie, and a pair of black jeans along with my white Supras. I put my tag chain on top of the clothes and I went into the bathroom to have a shower. When I was done I dried my hair and styled it into my usual quiff. 'Bugger off Jason!' I snapped. Jason was the fashionista of Justin. 'I was only trying to help!' he snapped back. I got dressed and I grabbed my phone and keys and left.

In The Shadows (A Justin Bieber Vampire Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang