And They Lived Happily Ever After

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The epilogue... (finally)

James went on to be a great king and Dana a great queen. Woot woot. He's still an asshole to this day, but we all love him for it.

Logan and Rose are Logan and Rose so of course they stayed happily married and all good. Phillip and Selene are doing just fine.

Alex and Malukah got married. The queen almost had a heart attack when she realized her daughter was gay, but no one listened or cared about her objections. I refuse to harm either of them, Malex lived happily ever after.

Ben and Melissa got married at a beautiful wedding and everything was cool and chill. Good for them!

Noah and Addie parted ways temporarily, but stayed together surprisingly. I won't force a happy ending on them, but I'd like to think they ended up staying together forever. Who knows?

Congrats y'all. It's been real.

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