Two Weeks...

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This is not a roleplay chapter.
The queen called all of her children to her office to have a talk. This would not be pleasant, that's one thing that all four young royals were very aware of. They filed into the office, exchanging looks, all thinking the same thing.

"Thank you for coming, I have a few things I need to discuss with you all." Queen Phoebe said to her children.

"What's this about?" Alex asked. She kept her tone light because nothing bad had happened yet.

"It's about the selection. It's gone on far too long and you've all been much to irresponsible," the queen continued, sending a pointed look to Logan. Logan put his hands up as a sign of innocence.

"I'm the only one who got serious about this thing!" Logan protested causing his mother to roll her eyes.

"Yes, congrats, you knocked a girl up. Like no one expected that from you..." she said. It was a low blow but that was our dear sweet queen's specialty. With that comment, Logan shook his head, sending one last glare to his mother before walking out. One down, three to go. The queen was on the attack.

"Mother, did you really have to go that far?" Alex said with a sigh as she watched her twin go.

"I'm not done. I have a bone to pick with you young lady..." the queen started. "That selected girl you've been messing around with, this is not acceptable. Seriously, figure it out Alexandria. This is not time to suddenly explore. This selection wasn't even for you."

"What does that even mean, mother?" Alex asked, not understanding what she had to do.

"We can't keep people around the palace who won't be staying. You have two weeks to figure that out or she's gone." the queen cleared things up for her.

And then the second sibling left. Alex got out of there as quickly as possible. Yes, things needed to be figured out, but a time limit? Of two weeks?! Ridiculous.

Only two siblings were left. Ben was looking worried while James face was stone. This was their reality, but it didn't mean they liked it.

"Benjamin..." the queen said turning to him. "You have a time limit as well. Two weeks, Lady Melissa or Lady Sophia? It's been unspoken that you've been indecisive until now, but you apparently won't choose unless I make you. Now go, I need to talk to your brother alone."  All Ben did was nod before walking out, he had lots to think about and a decision to make. Two weeks was not enough time.

That left James and Queen Phoebe.



"Here's the thing," the queen started, ready to give her speech about needing to decide to him.

"Just shut up for a minute!" James snapped. He was done to say the least. The look of shock on Queen Phoebe's face was priceless. "Yes, I'm aware. Two weeks and we're all getting married. I can manage if you'll just leave us alone for a bit. Trying to control us won't work," he said.

"Watch your tone. I demand respect." the queen said. "And yes. Two weeks. I guess we have a deal."

"Just peachy. Always a pleasure, mother."

And that was all before he left.
The queen is a bit different with her children than she was with the selected... but that's reality. She's an excellent actress.

So what does this mean? The end is near. I'm not active today but tomorrow I'll be roleplaying. Sounds like everyone has a few things to figure out. Also excuse my crappy writing. But like, I wanted to be dramatic.

Two weeks.

Another Selection Roleplay (Completed.) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin