Chapter 1 Mission starts now

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Naruto woke up early knowing that the last person to the meetings got stared at, let's just say he didn't want that.

Naruto never really like the attention thing, he only played pranks to get back to get back at people that were mean to him and the laughs eased the pain.

He didn't wear the ugly orange jumpsuit because he wanted to, it was the only thing shop keepers would give him. The real Naruto was badly hurt from the mean things people said to him and at the age of 5 after an assassination attempt he finally got to meet the kyuubi. His apartment wasn't a mess like everyone expected it to be, no it was quite clean. 

Tsunade has given him money to go shopping for girls clothes earlier. Buying the clothes was as Shikamaru would say troublesome. Since age 6, Naruto was a master of the henge jutsu because to get a food without being kicked out he needed to be another person. No one would sell to the demon brat.

He's so good at he made his infamous sexy jutsu.
He turned himself into an average looking boy with black hair and brown eyes, wearing a plain brown robe. The shop keeper smiled at him as he walked through," Welcome how may I help you sir." 

"I'd like some girl kunoichi and I'd like to buy her a new wardrobe" said Naruto with a fake smile on his face.

"Sure right this way." (I won't tell you about he outfits I'll just describe them when he wears them.)

With the task of buying the clothes he was headed to the gate to meet up with his team. When he got there he only saw Neji and Hinata.

"Hi guys didn't think anyone would come this early," shouted Naruto; his idiot act had begun again. Neji held his thinking they made may be bleeding now and Hinata like always was blushing. They waited for 2 more hours for everyone to gather  with Naruto trying to strike up a conversation with Hinata. Naruto had always liked Hinata he just didn't think she would go out with the demon brat, or anyone for that matter. (When I read this I was literally like she freaking stalks you.) 

When the whole Konaha 12 there minus Sasuke(he still defected) the mission began.

"Naruto do you know the details of  our mission ," asked Sakura, Naruto didn't like in fact he detested her(of course you would she is a banshee and a slut) but used her as a fake love interest. Sakura was a little bit nervous after seeing the whole team  would be going. Naruto decided before he began explaining the mission he should change " sexy jutsu"
Neji turned away with a blush, Hinata was as red as a tomato, Shini just stood there his jacket was covering his jacket, Sakura was pissed, Lee fainted of a nose bleed, Kiba howled, and everyone else stood in silence.

Luckily for them, Naruto in his girl form had on a red tank top and red shorts. 

"Naruto! Why are you using that perverted jutsu?" Yelled Sakura getting ready to punch him, but to all's amazement he caught the punch without flinching. 

"Sakura please stop trying to hit me, I'm only trying to explain the mission" said Naruto in a calm tone, again another shocking event. 

"For this mission I have to be a hostess of a new inn with you Gus as my guard."

"Why not the ask the girls nin of the village to his then" asked Ino with a questioning look. 

"Because this inn will be opened to all including missing nins" chirped Naruto trying to put his mask back on only to have it fall with the next question. " So why would would the give this mission to you, you failed all stealth missions "(Doesn't  he hide from chunin and jounin when he was running. from painting the hokage's mountain) said Sakura in a mocking tone, pissing off Hinata. Naruto saw this and gave her his real smile, a beautiful smile that would make any fan girl cry. 

He turned back to Sakura "Let's get back to the mission then" He had ended the conversation. Truth be told he only he failed those stealth missions was because he didn't want to destroy his mask, Naruto was naturally good at stealth thanks to the mobs that always chased him as a child. They leaped from tree to tree headed towards the Inn everyone sensing something was different with Naruto. Sakura was to busy bitching in her head about Naruto brushing her off like he did.

Naruto a hostessWhere stories live. Discover now