When he plays with your hair

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You were texting your best friend as Jeff stood there watching.

"yea?" you asked.

"i can fix your hair"

"but, jeff, thats the style-"

Before you could speak, Jeff was already braiding your hair. You were suprised by his hands. You thought that he was actually good at styling hair.

"Hmm.. Jeff, how did you learn braiding?"

"What? what's that?"

"Uhh.. umm. the one you're doung right now."

"oh, Y/N, i'm not braiding your hair."

"then.... what are you doing?" 😟

"fixing it."

As you turned around, you saw jeff tie your hair in knots, which felt like braids, but nope. Its tangled....

"Oh, my gosh. Jeff! What did you do?!"

"Fixed it."

He walks out of the room, leaving you blank minded and you actually thought your "hairstyle" was cool, so you took many Selfies.

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