"Shhh!" Arthur and Jackson shushed. Kelsey ran in and ran to the fourth drawer. Pulling out some clothes she waved to the boys and went into the bathroom. "Come on. We've got to put on our pajamas." Jackson sighed. Jackson sat down on a chair while Arthur handed him his pajamas. The white haired boy was in the middle of changing when Kelsey walked out. She looked up and saw Arthur changing, started blushing and shut the door to the bathroom as she hid in there. "Oooooo you made Kelsey bluuuuushh."

"Oh be quiet Mr. I'm-going-to-pine-over-Amanda-Forever!" Kelsey called from the bathroom causing Arthur to chuckle at Jackson's red face.

"Shut up!" He hissed. Arthur just shook his head and finished changing.

"We are done changing." He said quietly from outside the door. Kelsey opened the door and walked out, her hair pulled into a ponytail, wearing a dark green t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

"Alright. So Jackson you're sleeping where you normally sleep?" Kelsey asked tiredly. Jackson nodded and hopped over to the bed and climbed up to the top bunk. "And you are sleeping where?" She asked. Arthur pointed over to the bed by the window. She nodded. "Alright well let's head to bed." She said climbing into the bed Arthur had pointed at and pulled Arthur down next to her. Arthur blushed and laid down facing her. She yawned and smiled at him in the moonlight.

"Goodnight Kelsey."

"Night Arty." She mumbled before they fell asleep.

Kelsey looked around the scape, surprised to see it. She'd noticed that whenever her and Arthur fell asleep and made physical contact, she couldn't go to the dream/mindscape. Wandering over to Harry's bubble she went inside to find him dreaming about his parents. Lily and James's faces were blurry and so was his house, making her upset. She changed her form to appear to look like an avian, though most would think she was an angel. Her black hair was in a bun, a silver mask covering her face. Her dress seemed to be made of liquid silver and her wings matched Arthur's. "Hello Harry." She smiled getting his attention.

"Who are you?" His dream self asked, turning back to his current physical form.

"I'm nobody important. But I can help you with...this." She gestured to the dream where his parents were still blurry faced and frozen. She snapped her fingers and the dream became clearer and his parents no longer looked like faceless people in the crowd. He looked at them in awe.

"Did you know them?" He asked as the dream began again.

"Yes. Fairly well, actually." She admitted watching the scene play out. Harry frowned.

"Do I know you?"

"I don't know. Do you?" She ask, her wings spreading widely. The mental wall was breaking, meaning she was going to have to reconstruct it. She waved her hand and the wall started building up. She felt a sharp pain in her back as her wings shriveled up so that she could rebuild the wall.

"Are you okay?!" He exclaimed looking extremely concerned. She nodded.

"I'm fine Harry. Give Dawn an extra pat for me please." She said as she started fading.

"What do I call you?" He asked. Kelsey smiled as she faded.

"How about Titania?"

She woke up to an owl tapping on the window. The moon was starting to disappear, signaling that it was almost morning. She opened the window, giving the owl a treat as she took the letter. "Thank you friend."

She looked at the letter yawning. Then she frowned, reading it over again. "Arthur." He groaned next to her. "Arthur wake up you need to see this." He sighed and opened one eye.

"Where am I and how old am I?" He asked sitting up. Kelsey looked at him confused.

"You are 13 and you are at Karkat's house after the Yule ball." She said slowly. Arthur sighed disappointedly and looked at the letter. He frowned and read it over again.

"What?" He asked. "When did this happen?"

"I don't know. I don't quite recall you proposing to me, at least not anyway I would think proposals would happen."

"How did this happen?" Arthur paced outside the boys rooms. Kelsey shrugged.

"I don't know, but I would like a fake ring at least." Kelsey said jokingly, earning a stern glare from Arthur. "Arthur calm down. It was going to happen eventually. I mean, there was always an attraction but we are bonded, so it would only make sense if we were to get married someday. Plus, I don't think I'm that bad of company!" She smiled. Arthur paused and looked at her.

"Attraction?" Arthur asked smirking. Kelsey huffed.

"Of course that's the only thing you take out of this whole conversation." She mumbled. "Yes Arthur I was attracted to you, but I wouldn't have taken it this far without dating you for awhile." She said making Arthur smile. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Kelsey Hamilton, will you go on a date with me?"

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